I speak my mind out. If you don't have the stomach to face the truth, then don't bother reading what I have say.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Why I have decided to marry her.. only her…my best friend.
Write a New Note The Prostitute and I - Part 4 (And stuff 'decent' folks do in the dark)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The Prostitute and I - Part 3 (or smelly arm pits & fungus infected vaginas)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GRYGFwqG sk&feature=related )
Write a New Note The Prostitute and I - Part 2 (or the stupidity of men and women in a night club & why its better to have a whore than girl)
The Prostitute and I - Part 1
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Something you learn....only with time....A poem I wrote at 6:19pm on Wednesday, 26th May 2010 before it was time to go.....
And I smile…
Im not getting younger.
Im not looking any smarter.
Im more out of shape.
My hairline – well I don’t have one.
My boyish looks is replaced with a more mature look
A mix of wrinkles, rough skin and ruggedness
That only comes with time
I look at myself in the mirror.
And I smile…
I wonder what happened
Where did the time go…
Where did those years pass….
Where those promises vanish…
Where did those people fade away….
I fee different…
Because this feeling comes only with time….
I look at myself in the mirror.
And I smile…
I am no longer making big plans..
I am no longer being too ambitious…
I am no longer thinking too great…
I am no longer wishing too much..
All I want is now to be happy…
That all I seek for now and forever…
As these lessons come to you only with the passing of time..
I look at myself in the mirror.
And I smile…
Those who mocked me loudly and today silent in humility
Those who laughed at me publicly are crying privately
Those who advised me as experts are now confused as amateurs
Those who felt they done it all have now lost it all…
I don’t judge anyone or wish them bad…
As I have no remorse…
Something that you learn…with the coming of time…
I look at myself in the mirror.
And I smile…
It’s a beautiful life that I have lived
Blessed by the good and honored by the bad
Accepted by the few and rejected by the many
Wept those tears of joy and wiped those tears of pain….
welcomed many expectations…and adjusted to the few surprises
Yes, I have lived my life wonderfully and now I am ready to die happily
Something you learn to accept….at the end of time.
Monday, May 24, 2010
My new sexual adventure with an under-aged girl - Part 5 of 5 - THE FINAL CHAPTER
And calling
And calling…
Did she fool me?
I just turned around
To drive back…
And then…
My phone rang…
I saw the number…
I was her…
She called…
Told me she was in the shower…
I was happy…
I zoomed through the traffic…
Reached her house…
Waited for her..
Picked her up…
She looked really hot…
Really really really hot…
Beautiful, slim, sexy and sweet…
She had just had a shower
Her slightly wet hair was all around her face…
Her beautiful face was so cute and loving…
She smelt so lovely…
She sat there smiling at me…
Nearly blushing…
And I drove off…
We kept talking…
She kept talking
And laughing
And blushing..
And smiling…
I kept talking…
And laughing..
And blushing..
And smiling…
Until finally …
We reached home…
I tried to avoid focusing on the part that we reached home…
And acted as if it was ‘normal’ to bring her to my house…
All alone with me…
I opened the door…
She came inside…
Along with me…
I then closed the door…
Locked it…
And then….
It happened….
(the following 3256 words are censored by the UAE law of censorship)
and then...finally it was...
My new sexual adventure with an under-aged girl - Part 4 of 5
I couldn’t sleep the whole night…
I was too excited to…
But I made sure I was ready…
I had gone for a shave…
Groomed myself up..
Cleaned up the room…
Told my room mate not to be around just in case he wanted to give me a surprise…
Got the car washed…
And yes…the bed…
After all..
In case something had to happen…
Well shouldn’t one be prepared…?
Well nothing wrong in safe sex now….
No shame in that…
Got all that sorted out…
And…Oh..how could I forget…
I went to the washroom…
After 30 minutes, I was ready for tomorrow…
Time to sleep…
But what the fuck man…
I couldn’t…
Just couldn’t…
Kept having wet dreams…
Or in my case…
‘hard’ dreams…
Hardly had 3 hours sleep…
But woke up on time…
Without even an alarm…
You know how it is…
When you want something really bad…
You don’t go to sleep…
And you ALWAYS wake up on time…
So I went to sleep…
But woke up on time…
And woke the alarm too…
Went and checked into the office
As if it was an everyday matter…
Then called her up…
She was not picking up…
Did she fake it?
Was she playing around…?
Tried again…
Man, she was not picking up…
What the fuck!!!
Would she pick up the phone or not???
Find out…
In the next note…
My new sexual adventure with an under-aged girl - Part 3 of 5
She was everything I needed
She spoke to me about sex
About making love
About how she wants to be made love to
And she also trusted me as her friend…
And may be
I was what she needed….
And may be she was what I needed…
So this was the moment….
Now why to play around…
Go for the kill…
I didn’t play with her
And I believed she would not with me…
I asked her to meet me the next day…
She said yes…
And we are meeting tomorrow….
Alone at my place…
Just her…
And me…
In the morning…
The plan is…
I check in the office at 8am
Then go pick her up from her college….
Bring her home…
And that’s it…
Go with the flow…
I want someone
She wants someone…
We both bridge the gap once and for all..
Either it works…
Or it does not…
Tomorrow is the day…..
She becomes mine…
I finally get the girl whom I want…
And who wants me without inhibitions…
What happens tomorrow…
Check out the next note….
My new sexual adventure with an under-aged girl - Part 2 of 5
A 30 year old
Chatting with a…..really young girl
A very young girl…
Very very young girl….
Too young to even think of as a woman whom I will desire
Desire to make love to
In the warmth softness, sinful and sensual swamp
Of a lovers bed….
And suddenly….
Something is bothering me….
Bothering me…
Bothering me….
Bothering me….
What is bothering me….
What exactly is bothering me?
Come on…
I mean why should anything bother me…
Haven’t I had enough women?
Haven’t I made love to enough and more?
Haven’t I done it all?
But then…
Have you ever wondered
Why do such a questions ring inside your mind…
Especially when you are going to embark on something new?
A new relationship
A new friendship
A new feeling…
And then the ugly doubts of the past
Like a Snake
Its fangs of fear
Into your heart….
So here I am
A 30 year old
Chatting with a…..really young girl
And my question bothers me…
Should I
Should I not
Open my heart to her?
Be honest to her?
Give life another chance
Of may be…
Falling in love?
But come on…
Isn’t that a bit too early?
Is it love?
Is it like?
Or is it plain old simple fashioned lust
That makes your heart beat faster
Simply because you are getting an erection
And don’t know and cant think
Simply because blood went and gorged one head
And not the other…?
Should I take a chance?
Should I try my best to may be get her to meet me?
May be….try to sleep with her?
Or should I rather…
Just be nice…
Not have any intentions…
And leave it to fate?
In all this dialogue..
I listen to her…
And then…
I decide..
That I will let it go with the flow…
Take a chance…
Make a mistake if required…
But not be scared of living life…
So we talk..
She opens up…
I listen…
I open up…
She listens…
But nothing great..
Nothing out of the way…
Just normal talk…
And few bits…
Peppered with conversations of sexual hints…
Both saying a lot…
Without the either letting the other know whats on their mind.
We talk
We exchange our thoughts…
And she tell me…
Good night…
I walk towards my car…
I go home…
I go to bed
I think of her at night
I kind of dream of her
I kind of lust for her
I kind of think a few thoughts of love
And I sleep….not.
The whole night…
Just tossing and turning
I cant sleep…
So what do I do next?
Decide to write on Face book about this incident
“My new sexual adventure with an under-aged girl. – part 1”
Now there comes the ‘other’ voice
The voice that comes to you when you are doing something
Something that may be right or not right…
And it speaks to me…
Tells me…
She will not like this one bit…
The very fact that I am making this story public…
Public for the world to see…
But being me..
The so called
Self proclaimed…
sex n money god…
and madd machedo max…
don’t I do what I have to do?
Don’t I give a dam?
So why not?
And there…
I publish it for the whole world to see…
But only form of redemption…
Her name will be held in absolute secrecy
No one will know about it…
Next day…
She calls me up…
And the first thing she asks..
Why did you do this?
Why did you hurt me?
Why did you mock me?
You just wanted to fuck me…was that it…?
You just wanted to disgrace me…was that it?
You just wanted to use me…was that it?
Now given the person I am…
I don’t like to hurt anyone..
And I don’t think I would like to face the guilt that I am hurting someone…
So now…
Should I tell her lets meet up and speak this out – face to face
But all alone
In the privacy of the 4 walls….
Where 2 people lose inhibitions….
With may be a possibility of sex in the tension?
Or should I do the unthinkable…
Delete her number, her id and not keep in touch with her anymore?
I do something anyone would have done
Well…may be not everyone…or anyone…
Only me….
And I did it…
What did I do?
I will tell you...
Just wait for my next note…..
My new sexual adventure with an under-aged girl - Part 1 of 5
I get a female online.
A young female.
(by the way – did I ever tell you I have a thing for fresh young females?)
A good looking female.
Pretty hot.
Really slender.
Very intelligent.
Very cute.
And the best part
I think I share a chemistry with her.
So she comes online and kind of indicates she would like to talk to me.
Well, I am happy.
Given my dry days – A sex nice young female can do for company – even if its online.
The next thing I know is that I kind of figure out, she wants to talk on the phone.
Very Nice.
Now I am getting excited.
And no.
Not down there.
Rather the very fact that I have someone who would stimulate me with the amazing sense of anticipation.
The same feeling you got when you JUST met your lover…..you don’t know what would happen next.
Coming back to my story.
She tells me she would like to talk.
And I ask for her number.
She gives it.
I think my dry days are getting over.
So I take the number and I do what I normally do.
Be a gentlemen and ask her if she wants me to call her up now.
Now before you think that this is an act of mine to get in between her legs.
Well, yes and no.
Yes because I believe if you can earn you way in between her legs with respect and sincerity – Good. You’re the man.
No, because if you are doing it as a sleaze-ball to cheat and put on an act – you are a fuck up. Not just a fuck up – rather your mother should be ashamed she brought up into their world.
I have no respect for such men.
So coming back to my story.
The reason I asked her was because ONLY she wanted, ONLY then I would call her.
And asking her this was for confirmation of the same.
She said yes and I was delighted.
I went out from my room – since I share my room with my room mate and I don’t like disturbing him, I went into my car where I can talk privately.
So there I was with her on the cell phone.
She opened up and told me about her broken relationship or rather about a relationship which was breaking up.
I listened.
As usual, the story line was normal.
The woman was sad.
The male was bad.
She sacrificed everything.
He took advantage of everything.
She loved him more than life itself.
He loved himself more than life itself.
And it went on and on.
I listened.
I sincerely did without judging anything.
She was under-aged.
Her boy was twice her age.
Bottom line was this – the relationship was not working out.
She had sacrificed everything from her virginity (wonder since when that became a gift) to her emotions and feelings.
Now I would tell you this point blank, like how I said it to her.
He took this from you BECAUSE you gave it to him.
And whatever you both invested into this relationship – well you both wanted it because those were the good days.
Now both of you have had your stomach full and you both are bored, so you both are rude and you both have to break up.
So now….whats next?
I told her what I believed was a ‘win-win’ strategy, so as to make sure that she wouldn’t hurt this guy’s ego or feelings and in turn she would also be out of the net.
Then something interesting happened.
She told me to stop being like this.
To stop being so understanding and nice.
Guess what….
She would fall in love with me!
Now isn’t that interesting – I thought to myself?
She also gave me interesting details of her love life, sex life and other interests.
It was nice to know all this.
Finally, it came down ‘about us’.
She kind of gave me the hints that she wanted to spend time with me and that may be we did have a chance to get to know each other.
I was like….
Hmmmm….now this is interesting.
So, here I am once again.
In a very important phase of my life
Yes, yet another one
Where I can have a young girl as my ‘girl’
And as far as I know, great sex, good anticipation of ‘whats-next’ and the fun of being in a beautiful (hopefully) relationship.
But am I excited?
To be honest, yes.
But then…..
There is something that is bothering me down…
Deep down…
Would you like to know what it is…..?
And did something take place between us?
Are there plans happening?
I will tell you...
Wait for my next note…..
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Something about death I wrote before I was about to leave for the Middle East Championships in Kuwait.
On my face book page:
YOU KNOW SOMETHING....there is a possibility that my plane may crash and I fortunately die...but yeah, if that ever happens, I will let death know I told him 'fuck you' right in the face when I was about to die and as for getting scared - well bring in on bitch.....My only message is this - I lived my life to the fullest. Thank U Mr.God wherever U R for everything. It was a wild ride and I enjoyed every moment of it.
I was just thinking of the possibility...
Given all these plane crashes...
May be I might also have a chance to die...
You never know...
But if that ever happens,
I want all of you to know this...
I lived every moment of my life and enjoyed every moment of it.
I experienced the joys of being with the people I love and learnt a lot from my critics....
So if I do die, I want to thank you all for a wonderful experience and great life...
I lived it to the fullest....and if I shall breathe my life, trust me I would be looking at death in the face and laughing and saying...."Bring it on #$%%^ (since I dont want to have another scandal after I am dead!)...I lived my life and now I am ready to die'
Thank you all for everything.
It was a wild ride and I enjoyed every moment of it.
Hasta la vista,
Machedo Max
The World’s Greatest Student of Public Speaking
Cell +971-50-631-85-19
Blog - http://machedomax.blogspot
Facebook - Loy Anthony Machedo
Chat - loymachedo@yahoo.com / loymachedo@hotmail.com
Monday, May 17, 2010
You HOT so WHAT?
Tuesday, 18th May 2010 - 9:31am.
You HOT so WHAT?
I look at the papers.
I look on the web.
I look around me.
What do I see?
Being a typical normal sexual male, I see women.
I mean not that I don’t see other creatures or creations by Mr. God but yes, I see women. Or rather I like to see women.
There are many kinds of women.
Fat ones.
Ugly ones.
Stupid ones.
Ones who are on the expiry date.
Ones who have reached the expiry date and still believe with excess make up and smaller clothes they can at least get the glances of a few men.
Ones who should be full time whores rather than be known as ‘women’
Ones who should be house wives.
Ones who are good to look at while masturbating.
Ones who should be respected.
Ones who should be admired.
I mean this list goes on.
Given all these kinds of women, now whom exactly am I talking about?
Yes, you are right – The HOT ones.
(and if in case you were not able to read my mind, you must be a dick. And if you don’t know what’s dick, you sure don’t deserve to be reading this fucking article. And just to let you know dumb ass ‘dick’ does not mean ‘penis’ – at least in this context.)
You know the ones who are like good looking, the types whom you like to show as ‘arm-candy’ to your friends, more like an accessory, the types you don’t mind shagging the whole night, the kind whom you don’t mind sticking your mouth in which ever hole she asks you to stick your tongue into – Those kinds of women.
Now in my career as a ‘play-boy’ or as some people put it ‘male prostitute’, I have slept with many of them. (Luckily, I have not yet infected with any disease and touch wood, I am not interested to get infected!) I have slept with a few females where after shagging them I was like – what the fuck was I thinking shagging this grandma? On the other hand I have slept with some women whom I was like – Ops, I might get arrested for child molestation here. And mind you – in my adventures of sleeping with a woman, I have never gotten drunk – so all this was in my normal senses but yes, crowded with intoxication of being horny – you know….the moments where your blood goes more to your balls than to your head.
I have been lucky to shag a few nice hot women.
But here I am not talking about those women whom I slept with.
I respect them for who they are and the trust the placed in me.
God bless all of them.
I am not talking about any of the women I slept with.
I love them all.
I respect them all.
I am talking about the new breed of bitches that are surfacing.
I mean just look at them.
Good sexy clothes, Good looks, Good figure and Good external attractiveness.
But beyond that – What?
I mean what in the world do these bitches have more than that?
I don’t mean to disrespect or discount their hard work and focus towards their physical looks.
Please don’t get me wrong.
Its not easy keeping and maintaining a beautiful figure.
I am trying hard to get back from a waist line of 38 back to 32 and trust me, ITS FUCKING HARD!!!
I want the focus to be more on their attitude, their brains, their heart, their behavior and yes, most importantly their character.
Do these women have any of this?
I believe they do.
After all they are normal like all of us.
But I think the problem is their attitude and their greed towards not just good things in life but towards the best of the best of the best of what they can get and achieve for themselves while enjoy all the other benefits of this world.
So now having pointed that out….who is to blame for all this?
Well you will be surprised…..
Because the answer is in the next article.
Diary - Monday, 17th May 2010 – 9:30pm.
Monday, 17th May 2010 – 9:30pm.
Feeling really tired. Don’t know why.
Whole day just went by moving from one part of Sharjah (where I stay / office located) to Jabel Ali – 40 kms away and kept driving around pillar to post to get in touch with clients.
Later on went and met Christine Coombe & her colleague Konrad of Dubai Men’s College. Sat down with her and planned out my strategy for the contest speech preparation.
9:30pm now.
Really tired.
Energy levels are bloody low. Don’t know why.
Took 2 tabs of Panadol for Flu / Cold.
Just want to sleep and not think about anything.
Its been crazy I tell you.
Living a dream aint easy.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
10 Phrases That Can Sink Your Resume by Liz Ryan
Here are ten of the deadliest resume phrases in use ("massive overuse" would be more accurate) and replacements for each one. You'll rewrite the replacement phrases to reflect your own accomplishments--and that's the key! We can't expect a timeworn piece of resume boilerplate to stand in for our own pithy, personal examples.
Kill this: Results-oriented professional
Replace with your own version of this: I love to solve thorny supply-chain problems
Kill this: Excellent team player
Replace with your own version of this: At Acme Dynamite, I partnered with Engineering to cut our product cost in half
Kill this: Bottom-line orientation
Replace with your own version of this: My accounting-process overhaul saved the company $10M in its first year
Kill this:
Replace with your own version of this: I led a two-day offsite that yielded our 2010 product lineup and a $40K cost savings
Kill this: Possess organizational skills
Replace with your own version of this: Reduced customer-complaint resolution time from three weeks to one by revamping the process
Kill this: Savvy business professional
Replace with your own version of this: I'm a PR manager who's gotten his employers covered by Yahoo! and Time magazine
Kill this: Strong work ethic
Replace with your own version of this: I taught myself HTML over a weekend in order to grab a marketing opportunity
Kill this: Meets or exceeds expectations
Replace with your own version of this: Invited to join our executive staff at a strategy summit during my first year at the company
Kill this: Strong presentation skills
Replace with your own version of this: Was recruited to join Acme Dynamite after my boss heard me speak at a conference
Kill this: Seeking a challenging opportunity
Replace with your own version of this: I'm looking for a midsize manufacturer primed to grow its business in the
Liz Ryan is a 25-year HR veteran, a former Fortune 500 VP, and an internationally recognized expert on careers and the new-millennium workplace. Connect with her at www.asklizryan.com.
About Me
- Machedo Max
- Loy Machedo Award-Winning Speaker & Trainer Cell +971-50-631-85-19 Facebook - Loy Anthony Machedo Linkedin - http://ae.linkedin.com/pub/loy-machedo/25/863/92 Chat - loymachedo@yahoo.com | loymachedo@hotmail.com Email - theinvisiblestring@yahoo.co.in Blog - http://machedomax.blogspot.com Twitter –http://twitter.com/loymachedo Website - www.loymachedo.com Facebook Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=563183159#!/pages/Loy-Machedo/154673514564472
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- Something you learn....only with time....A poem I ...
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- My new sexual adventure with an under-aged girl - ...
- My new sexual adventure with an under-aged girl - ...
- My new sexual adventure with an under-aged girl - ...
- My new sexual adventure with an under-aged girl - ...
- Something about death I wrote before I was about t...
- You HOT so WHAT?
- Diary - Monday, 17th May 2010 – 9:30pm.
- 10 Phrases That Can Sink Your Resume by Liz Ryan ...