Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Loy Machedo’s 50 steps in love, sex and marriage.

Loy Machedo and Razer Girl
(Please note - The sweet lady friend in this picture is just a friend I met at the GITEX Shopper. This photograph is uploaded only as a Thumbnail and has no relation to this text)

For more articles 
Check out www.loymachedo.com

Loy Machedo’s 50 steps in love, sex and marriage.
1. Boy notices girl closely.
2. Girl notices boy closely.
3. Boy is rich and smart.
4. Girl is super hot and sexy.
5. Boy likes girl.
6. Girl likes boy
7. Boy plays sophisticated.
8. Girl plays hard to get.
9. Boy gives girl attention.
10. Girl wants more.
11. Boy gives even more.
12. Girl feels happy with boy.
13. Boy feels girl is responding.
14. Girl gives permission to boy to meet each other.
15. Boy goes out of his to impress her.
16. Girl allows boy to come closer.
17. Boy acts super decent and nice.
18. Girl demands more from the boy.
19. Boy impresses girl more and more.
20. Girl starts having big dreams with boy.
21. Boy allows girl to dream even more.
22. Girl wants a commitment from boy.
23. Boy and girl decide to take next step.
24. Girl and Boy plan act as if it just happens.
25. Boy gets satisfied with girl.
26. Girl gives boy everything.
27. Boy gives girl everything.
28. Girl reaches a stage of boredom.
29. Boy has filled his appetite.
30. Girl starts finding faults.
31. Boy starts finding her irritating.
32. Girl begins to create new demands.
33. Boy doesn’t need to take her crap.
34. Girl try’s to grab control.
35. Boy does not like control.
36. Girl goes mad with demands.
37. Boy avoids her totally.
38. Girl fights with boy.
39. Boy hammers girl.
40. Girl cries for boy.
41. Boy avoid the guilt.
42. Girl seeks attention else where.
43. Boy seeks satisfaction else where.
44. Girl finds new group of friends.
45. Boy finds new group of friends.
46. Girl finds another new boy.
47. Boy finds another new girl.
48. Girl becomes ‘friends only’ with new boy.
49. Boy becomes ‘friends only’ with new girl.
50. Repeat Step 1 onwards.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How to Select a Topic for Your Speech

Taken from my website 

Situation 1
You are asked to speak at an event.
You are given the topic.
You prepare.
No problems.
That is easy.

Situation 2
You are asked to speak at an event.
You are not given any topic.
You have to prepare.
That’s no problem.
But is that easy?

The question is how do you prepare for something you don’t know what the topic is going to be about?

Or rather the greater problem is what do you prepare on?

Now that can be nerve wrecking enough.

But what is worse is if you are asked to speak on ‘anything’ and you are sandwiched between 5 other speakers who will also speak on ‘anything’.  There begins the process of comparison and if not executed properly – a process of judging starts and opinions are formed about you and may be your speaking career and reputation.

Here are a few tips from my side from the speech topics that have bombed to speech topics that have connected.

1)   Know what is expected out of you from the point of view of the organizer of the event (or for that matter the Toastmaster of the day). If he expects an entertaining speech, don’t bore the crowd with a philosophical session.
2)   Know and understand what does the audience expects from you. Are they expecting something educational or are they expecting related to a specific topic?
3)   Understand how much time is allotted to you – If you have 5 minutes, don’t begin speaking on the life story of Winston Churchill. And if you have a lot of time say 60 minutes to 3 hours – have a topic that can be stretched and be made interesting to the audience
4)   Find out clearly what you were expected to do – the more specific the better
5)   Learn what you shouldn’t do as a speaker
6)   Ensure you are an authority on the subject – Having a priest speak about successful marriages and how to make them happen or having teenager speaking on how to bring up children as responsible parents is a bad combination
7)   Don’t speak on a subject where the audience members are better experts than you. If I were to be invited to a top college of senior English professors and were asked to train them on how to speak and enunciate words in English properly – I would rather die than accept it.
8)   Speak about what you are passionate about or your own personal stories
9)   Never use topics simply because you think or assume that would help you score points with the members of the audience – something I am guilty of.  
10)                      Avoid over used stories like Success, Smoking, Driving – get creative and dare to differ
11)                      Choose something contemporary and happening
12)                      Remember – You can have speeches topics that educate, motivate or entertain
13)                      Every topic must have a core message – which need not be serious but must be profound. And it must be clear – you should be able to state it in one sentence, It must be passionate – something you believe in, knowledgeable – you should know what you are talking about through knowledge or experience and as a bonus it must be personal – something you have experienced.
14)          Know the place, the culture and the environment you are giving you speech to – Giving a speech to conservative Christians about the benefits of being a non-Christian is a no no. Giving a speech in the East on praising the broadmindedness of the West is a no no and giving a speech about sleeping to a crowd that has been bored for hours – will end up with snores for your presentation.
15)          Remember to keep your topic different for a smaller audience than a larger audience. Larger audiences may connect with more drama, more action, more humor and more suspense. A smaller audience may not necessarily show that much of a response for the same.
16)          Update your information that you have always.
17)          Research on the background of the audience – I always try to find the right mix, nationality, age, gender of my audience and then I tailor-make my speech accordingly
18)          Find out what the other speakers are going to speak about and choose to speak differently – that would make you stand out.
19)          Relate the topic to what the audience has been hearing or has experienced lately.
20)          Unless you are an expert, stay clear of controversial topics that you may not be able to handle – if the audience is not prepared to swallow what you tell them
21)          Be innovative in your approach – from the way you deliver to what you speak.
22)          Don’t be an idiot and come up to the audience and state that you didn’t prepare and didn’t know what you were about to speak on
23)          Relate the topic to the discussion or central theme
24)          Speak on current affairs and adopt them into your topic
25)          Ensure simplicity in your topic – the more simpler, the better.
26)          Let the topic be memorable and have world class take home value
27)          Don’t think no one ever heard what you are about to speak. Chances are they have all heard it. Just make sure your research and presentation is second to none.
28)          Have a short easy to remember topic
29)          Ensure you verify in advance what you are going to speak on with the person in charge so that there are no surprises
30)          Always google your speech topic – you never know what may come up.

Consider some of these tips when choosing what to speak on and chances are, you would do a wee bit better than just jumping into the deep end without a float – and worse without the knowledge of swimming. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The day I farted and laughed at the same time until I soiled my undergarments.

Taken from www.loymachedo.com
Loy's fat belly
I am in my office bored of work and my thoughts are flying everywhere else…..so time to write my blog…..And this is what I remember…..
A few days ago I was with one of my friends who is rather a good looking chap. As usual the facebook bug bit me and I decided to click a snap – so that I could upload it into my albums titled ‘moments outside’.
I came home late, transferred the photograph to into my PC, uploaded it on facebook, tagged my friend and went off to sleep.
The next day I woke up and found a message on my phone, a email on my facebook email account and an email on my personal emails – in fact all 3 of them.
They all read the same sentence – Please take off my picture from your albums.
And what do you think he accounted the reason?
It read ‘My nose looks really long and makes me look ugly.’
Now, I read it.
And my reaction was a rather very profound one.
I burst out laughing.
In fact, I laughed so much, I laughed and farted at the same time.
Have you ever laughed and farted at the same time?
Trust me – there is nothing in the world that compares to that experience.
You are laughing and you fart.
And then you feel so embarrassed, you laugh at yourself – and even worse – fart again.
And this terrible cycle goes on and one, until either you cant laugh anymore or you must have shat in your pants.
In my case, I have a lot of stamina to laugh.
So I have to shamefully admit, I had to put my undergarments to wash – separately.
After this, I came back on my seat, composed myself and red the line again.
This time I didn’t laugh hard.
Rather I looked at the sentence and tried to analyse it.
I mean, it had the most profound meaning I could imagine.
Imagine this – what a powerful impact does society have on us that we are even ashamed to be who we are.
It is so great, that we modify ourselves to keep others happy – while we foolishly believe that we are the masters of our own fate and the captains of our own soul – except in this or that category.
So amazing is this peer pressure that society puts on us, that we have to be someone else, do something else, act like somebody else or imitate some person else – or worse suppress ourselves, just to be ‘right’ in the eyes of a global society.
Why my friend?
Is it to reap the benefits of society by showing you are part of their culture?
Is it to enjoy certain bit of mileage so that you can survive?
Or is it just because we are scared to be us?
I thought about it.
And then I decided instead of laughing at him, why not reflect on me.
What all have I done to keep society happy?
I guess we are all to blame in some point or another.
So there, even I come into this bracket.
So what have I done?
Well after thinking a bit, I realized what I too was ashamed off but didn’t have the courage to be ‘me’.
Yes folks – even the self proclaimed SEXnMONEYGOD and the Tattooed controversy has done something to please the world…
And that is….Suck my belly in so that it does not show to the world that I have a 6 month old baby preggy belly.
And yes, I have been ashamed about it.
Because it reminded me that my personality didn’t look that attractive enough because I got a tubby belly.
So as I sat there with my bum all washed clean after having a small excretion of reality, I decided, man…its time I do something about it.
Yes its true, I would like to look nice – but here, let me make it clear – not for society or for anyone else – but for myself.
If someone can accept me for me – great. If not, I will pay the price for it until I break – may be then I may become a follower and not a leader anymore – a leader of my life.
So as I display my honest photograph of my big fat tubby belly, I want you to know this…..
We are all fake in our little ways and we have 10001 justifiable excuses to make us feel good about the wrong we are doing. I don’t care about your life and your excuses. I have to focus on mine.
So given that today is Tuesday, November 09, 2010 at 3:30pm where instead of doing office work I am writing my blog – I will tell you this.
I am proud of who I am – the guy with all those imperfections, who sleeps around, who is a college drop out and who has zero savings in the bank. That is me.
And I give a rats ass to what you think .
But know this.
That does not mean I am happy wallowing in this level of mediocrity because I will always push myself to get better and better, until I know I am the best of what I can be.
So the next time you laugh and fart at the same time and soil your undergarments reading about someone’s nose being longer than it should be – remember this, we all have something longer than what it should be. Just make sure you are not ashamed about it for what others think about it rather be passionate about changing it only because of what you have the fire to be better than it.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Power of Communication.

From : Managing Director
To : Vice President
"Tomorrow morning there will be a total eclipse of the sun at nine o'clock. This is something which we cannot see everyday. So let all employees line up outside, in their best clothes to watch it. To mark the occasion of this rare occurrence, I will personally explain the phenomenon to them. If it is raining we will not be able to see it very well and in that case the employees should assemble in the canteen."
From : Vice President
To : General Manager
"By order of the Managing Director, there will be a total eclipse of the sun at nine o' clock tomorrow morning. If it is raining we will not be able to see it in our best clothes, on the site. In this case the disappearance of the sun will be followed through in the canteen. This is something we cannot see happening everyday."
From : General manager
To : Industry Managers
"By order of the Managing Director, we shall follow the disappearance of the sun in our best clothes, in the canteen at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. The Managing Director will tell us whether it is going to rain. This is something which we cannot see happen everyday."
From : Industry Managers
To : Location heads
"If it is raining in the canteen tomorrow morning, which is something that we cannot see happen everyday, the Managing Director in his best clothes, will disappear at nine o'clock."
From : Location heads
To : Marketing Executives
"Tomorrow morning at nine o' clock, the Managing Director will disappear without his clothes. It's a pity that we can't see this happen everyday".

Friday, November 5, 2010

The symptoms of a disease called ‘falling in love’

The symptoms of a disease called ‘falling in love’
When you are in love
It’s a gooey feeling
You think of the person 24/7
You fantasies about the person
You lust for that person
You want to just ‘get at it’ immediately as you see the person
You cant take your eyes of that person
You cant take your paws off that person
You get jealous when that person is even looking at someone else
You get even more protective if someone else is looking at your person
You have to call that person all the time
You have to text that person all the time
You want to sacrifice so much for that person
You want to do so many things for that person
Talking to that person is not enough
You have to physically be with that person
You cry when that person is not around
You weep when that person ignores you
You hurt when that person does not talk to you
You are ready to do anything and everything to please that person
Just because its gives you a sense of joy and happiness to know
You can satisfy this person
But more so ever this belong only to you
And no one else.
Let me tell you now
If you have these symptoms
Guess what
You are going to get
Not just hurt
But destroyed
And destroyed so badly
It will hurt you for a very long time to come.
Why do I say so?
Well experience.
Let me elaborate.
I was in love with this girl Anita D’Souza.
I was 31
She was 18
I was ugly
(still am)
She was absolutely beautiful –
(only physically I must add, now that I am cure of this emotional disturbance.)
And when I say in love
It was an absolute obsession
I was like mad about her
Mad about her to the point
We would go at it 24/7
We would make videos of our so called ‘adventures’
We would get creative in every way possible
We would cut ourselves, drink each others blood, make big promises
I mean, you challenge us to push each other to the limits
We were totally ready.
We just couldn’t get enough of each other
Day and Night stood still for us
It was so crazy that if she wanted a chocolate crepe
Which was only available in Dubai Cinestar Cinemas
I would drive down form Sharjah – where I stay
Go all the way to Dubai – which is around 15 km aways
Pick it up
Drive down all the way to her house in Umm Al Quwain
Which was around 45 kms away
Deliver it to her house
And then come back to my place
And I wouldn’t mind doing this everyday
I found it ‘normal’
My phone bills – cell to cell
Came close to nearly 500 US Dollars ‘extra’ per month
My petrol bill came up to another 500 US Dollars ‘extra’ per month
But I didn’t mind all this.
It was part of my journey of ‘love’ with her.
And spending money over her – Don’t ask.
I had a Gold Card.
Now lets fast forward to now
Without getting into the hidden facts of the equation
That I cheated on her
And then she cheated on me
And though I had this stupid notion that she was okay with me sleeping around
And though she had this stupid notion that she was okay with me sleeping around
We were both wrong.
And soon because of the distance, she found out that
Having a rich boy, with a great career, loaded with money and a promising future
Especially if he was young and well connected
Was her passport to pleasure in bed as well as pleasure ahead
Well, I was a mistake in limited choices.
So she did the smart thing
She preferred sucking on the new hot dog than the old one
And so after shamelessly begging, pleading, crying, hoping and praying
Her answer was still no
And once I understood that
The hard part now started.
To make a really long boring story short
It took me 2 years to get out of this hangover from an intoxicating drug called ‘love’
And boy was it seriously bad.
It was horrible.
When I look back at it
I can seriously tell you
This ‘love’ concept is all in the f**king head
I mean its just a self created illusion.
And its not worth your time or money or effort.
When I think about it now
I personally feel she was only good for sex
Nothing else
She was like a one of those pleasure inducing toys
Which was meant to use and throw
Simply because she was in it for benefits
And she used it as long as she could get the maximum
And when she found a better model that gave her better benefits
In came the next candidate
And then the best part is
The justifiable excuses women give to make them feel right over why they do wrong.
- Which is so f**king pathetic.
As I look at it now
I am happy I am single
I get to choose a different dish to eat everyday
Try out new spices
Try out new cuisines
Try out new options
Without the boring litany of an emotional delusion called ‘love’
I wish that 18 year old slut who took me for a ride
A slow decaying death of suffering and pain
Simply because she was born diabetic
And her values are screwed up
I know it for a fact she is going to have a really painful life
And a very slow death
Well….as I smile just know this…a smart director does not reveal everything in a single movie….
And as for me…
Well bitch…
I am still single
And I am having the time of my life….
Just let your hubby know
You were a second hand product
That I enjoyed
And in case you have the spiritual conscience ringing inside your head
Getting shocked at my evil intentions
And bad curses
Let me ask you politely…
You think I seriously give a flying f*** to what you think
Go **** yourself cause I don’t
Its my life
My thoughts
And my choice
Just as you are not following anyone rule to live your life
I don’t need to justify my life to you
And if in case you do follow someone elses life
I am not a b***h like you
So please
My life
My rules
You can follow the teaching of Mr. Gandhi
I ain’t no mother Teresa
Neither am I turning the other cheek
And yeah,
If your partner ever dumps your sorry arse
Or cheats on you
Or leaves you to die in hell
Please be the one to kiss them
And wish them well
And yes, pray for their happiness
My name is Machedo
Not Mandela
And this aint a Hindi movie
where everything ends well.
This is reality
Kick ass
Or kiss ass.
So coming back to my great thoughts….
As I was saying…
I know you must be saying…
So much for ‘love’
That is what I am telling you.
This is all nothing but…
The symptoms of a disease called ‘falling in love’

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What life is at 33 years old?

What life is at 33 years old?
Loy with Biggies
What life is for me at 33 years old.

Feels strange. 

At 23 years old
I would spring up
Jump and start the day
Brush my teeth violently
Scrub my hair with all the concoction of shampoos
Run out of a hot shower into a chill AC
Look at my face in the mirror
And visualize I am a super hot hero
Admire my 6 pack abs
Because women love it
Dress up super fast
Spray all the perfume in the world to smell sexy
Gel my hair till there was no more gel for another use
Show off myself to women
as if I was a whore for sale
Drool at every female specie I would notice
And where time passed so fast
meeting one female after another
listening to their romantic talks
one after another
I would finally hit the gym
Lift super heavy weights
As much as my soft joints could take
Scream as if I was in labor
Until I would come home
Eat Arnold Schwarzenegger diet
of 12 pieces of KFC
And then move on to see which other girl
I would meet for the day
And be her guide until late hours of the night.
And as I sleep, 
I would imagine the billions I would make
Because I would be what Napoleon Hill said
The next billionaire. 

Ladies and Gentlemen
Welcome to my past.

At 33 years old.
I struggle to get out of bed
I brush my teeth slowly because of the damage I had done to them
Wash my bald head with one drop of washing liquid 
Because it gives a better shine to it
Move out of a cold shower
So that I dont get sick 
Look at my face in the mirror 
And wonder who the fuck is looking back
Look at my hanging pregnant tummy
And wonder if I can squeeze my trousers back up
Spray a cheap deo that would last for hours
Look at women and scream 'sour grapes'
Hit the gym on a treadmill moving slowly so as 
not to hurt my joints
while being able to read a newspaper for today’s gossip
and look around and wonder
why youngsters are so stupid to lift so heavy
Go back home and eat a simple meal
more on salads because now Arnold is nearly dying
Then I would watch porn because at least that is more relaxing
that listening to the nonsense of a woman.
And as I sleep
I would wonder
Would I have a job tomorrow.

Ladies and Gentlemen
Welcome to reality.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Official Leadership Seminar Booklet.

The Leadership Seminar & Global Spark Group
Leaders & Communicators of our society.

 Table of Contents
1.    What is the agenda like?
2.    What is Toastmasters?
3.    What is the Leadership Seminar all about?
4.    Why should I join?
5.    How expensive is this program?
6.    What benefit do we get by helping you? There must be a catch to this!
7.    What if I don’t want to join? I am just curious to come and watch.
8.    Whom do I contact for this program?
9.    When do you all meet?
10.                       I don’t have the time or money to spare. Do you have an even cheaper & faster special crash course?
11.                       Location Map for the Leadership Seminar?
12.                       Event Details?

Created by

1)            What is the agenda like?

Time from
Time till
7:00 PM
7:05 PM
Call to order
7:05 PM
7:10 PM
Opening Address
7:10 PM
7:15 PM
Introduction to Toastmasters
7:15 PM
7:20 PM
Awards for Speakers
7:20 PM
7:25 PM
Awards for Dunes Winners
7:25 PM
7:28 PM
Surprise Unveiling
7:28 PM
7:29 PM
Introduction of Speaker 1 - Vijay Manikoth
7:29 PM
7:44 PM
Speaker 1 - Vijay Manikoth
7:44 PM
7:45 PM
Introduction of Speaker 2 - Dr. Christine Coombe
7:45 PM
8:00 PM
Speaker 2 - Dr. Christine Coombe
8:00 PM
8:01 PM
Introduction of Speaker 3 - Najumudeen Esmail
8:01 PM
8:16 PM
Speaker 3 - Najumudeen Esmail
8:16 PM
8:31 PM
Break Time
8:31 PM
8:36 PM
Call to order
8:36 PM
8:37 PM
Introduction of Speaker 4 - Royston Fernandes
8:37 PM
8:52 PM
Speaker 4 - Royston Fernandes
8:52 PM
8:53 PM
Introduction of Speaker 5 - Dana Andreea Zoia
8:53 PM
9:08 PM
Speaker 5 - Dana Andreea Zoia
9:08 PM
9:09 PM
Introduction of Speaker 6 - Mohammed Murad
9:09 PM
9:24 PM
Speaker 6 - Mohammed Murad
9:24 PM
9:26 PM
Moderting the Panel
9:26 PM
9:56 PM
Panel Discussion
9:56 PM
10:01 PM
Summarize the event.
10:01 PM
10:06 PM
Vote of thanks.

2)           What is Toastmasters?

No, we don't make toasters!

From a humble beginning in 1924 at the YMCA in
 Santa Ana, California, Toastmasters International has grown to become a world leader in helping people become more competent and comfortable in front of an audience. The nonprofit organization now has nearly 260,000 members in over 12,500 clubs in 113countries, offering a proven – and enjoyable! – way to practice and hone communication and leadership skills.

Most Toastmasters meetings are comprised of approximately 20 people who meet weekly for an hour or two. Participants practice and learn skills by filling a meeting role, ranging from giving a prepared speech or an impromptu one to serving as timer, evaluator or

There is no instructor; instead, each speech and meeting is critiqued by a member in a positive manner, focusing on what was done right and what could be improved.

Good communicators tend to be good leaders. Some well-known Toastmasters alumni include:
·          Peter Coors of Coors Brewing Company
·          Debbi Fields, founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies
·          Tom Peters, management expert and author
·          Linda Lingle, Governor of Hawaii

3)            What is the Leadership Seminar all about?

The Leadership Seminar is a smart initiative by Dunes Toastmasters to spread Communication and Leadership to the masses by having top-notch Speakers & Leaders of our times speak, share and sow the seeds of wisdom and success. Thanks to sponsors like Global Spark Group – this initiative is now a reality.

The speakers featured for this event are:
·          DTM Mohammed Murad – MD & CEO of Tanseeq Events & one of the most sought after and respected Entrepreneur, Speaker & Leaders of our time
·          Dr. Christine Coombe – President of TESOL and World Class Trainer & Speaker
·          Vijay Manikoth - Founder President - UAE Toastmasters & Director and MD & CEO of Winning Edge Advertising FZE
·          Najumudeen Ismail – President & CEO of Global Spark Group & Leading Businessman, Philanthropist and Business Strategist.
·          Dana Andreea Zoia - Self-Made Successful Model, TV Presenter, Creative Consultant & Budding Entrepreneur.
·          DTM Royston Fernandes – GM of Logo Management Services & Legendary Speaker, Trainer & Coach of Champion Speakers
4)            Why should I join?

Survey after survey shows that presentation skills are crucial to success in the workplace. Many people pay high fees for seminars to gain the skill and confidence necessary to face an audience. Toastmasters provides an option that is less expensive and held in high regard in business circles. This organization has been around for more than 85 years and offers a proven – and enjoyable – way to practice and hone communication and leadership skills.

You will…
·          Learn to communicate more effectively 
·          Become a better listener. 
·          Improve your presentation skills 
·          Increase your leadership potential 
·          Become more successful in your career 
·          Build your ability to motivate and persuade 
·          Reach your professional and personal goals 
·          Increase your self confidence.

How you do it. . .
·          Build speaking and leadership skills with time-tested methods 
·          Focus on areas of interest in our self-paced curriculum 
·          Receive suggestions for improvement through constructive evaluations

5)            How expensive is this program?
A typical program like this in the United Arab Emirates costs around AED 10,000/-  for 2 days. We offer this same program for a year for AED 1,000/- which can be paid in easy installments. Why? Because we are non-profit organization seeking to benefit people.

6)            What benefit do we get by helping you? There must be a catch to this!
We were just like you when we started this journey. Now its time for us give back to society what we received so freely. And by giving back – we get blessed many times over. That is all we do. If you don’t believe us, try us and find out.

7)            What if I don’t want to join? I am just curious to come and watch.
Please feel free. No one asked you to join. Join ONLY if you feel it benefits you and is worth your time.

8)            Whom do I contact for this program?
Mob No.
Anup Hegde
Gurpreet Singh
Vice President Education
Loy Machedo
Vice President Membership
Sajit Raja
Assistant Vice President Membership
Smitha Vas
Assistant Vice President PR
Sharline Menezes
Shabeer Ahmed
Assistant Treasurer
Anand Kumar
Gino Zac George
Assistant Secretary
Muhammed Arafat
Sergeant At Arms
Navendu Rai
Assistant  Sergeant At Arms

And yes, since we are all working professionals, if anyone is busy, call the next person. Or else – send us an email and we will get back to you.

9)            When do you all meet?
Every Wednesday, once in two weeks. Contact us to find out the exact date and time.

10)    I don’t have the time or money to spare. Do you have an even cheaper & faster special crash course?
Yes. We will be holding a Speech-craft Session where we will offer for a group of 25 people only a crash course for 8 sessions. This session which normally is being charged at AED 10,000/- plus by most professionals institutes will be offered to you at AED 500/- only – which would cover the cost of the venue, the snacks and the educational materials. For more information on this, please contact anyone of our Dunes Toastmasters.

11)    Location Map for the Leadership Seminar?

12)    Event Details?
Details of the event are as follows:

·       Venue    Al Futtaim Training Center
·       Time       6:30pm onwards for networking & registration
·       Dress Code          Formal Business Suit due to the presence of media professional.
·       Registration Charges         FREE thanks to the Sponsor – Global Spark Group
·       Seminar Feature                 The event will feature 6 speeches by 6 amazing leaders & communicators of our time + Question & Answer Session

About Me

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Loy Machedo Award-Winning Speaker & Trainer Cell +971-50-631-85-19 Facebook - Loy Anthony Machedo Linkedin - http://ae.linkedin.com/pub/loy-machedo/25/863/92 Chat - loymachedo@yahoo.com | loymachedo@hotmail.com Email - theinvisiblestring@yahoo.co.in Blog - http://machedomax.blogspot.com Twitter –http://twitter.com/loymachedo Website - www.loymachedo.com Facebook Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=563183159#!/pages/Loy-Machedo/154673514564472

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