The Speech Opening
- How did the speaker begin his speech?
- Was it memorable or was it boring / monotonous?
- Did the speaker use a joke, short story, statistic, controversial statement, show something or do something?
- Did the speaker state his / her premise in the first minute?
The Speech Body
- Did the speech show oneness to the central theme / message?
- Were the stories, examples, statistics and quotes used reinforcing the central message?
- Were simple and easy to use words / sentences used?
- Did the speaker create vivid & descriptive pictures with his / her words?
- Was the speaking giving only theories or did he make it interesting with other tools of story telling?
- Was there a logical or chronological sequence?
- Were there smooth transitions from one point to another?
The Speech Conclusion
- How did the speaker close his / her speech?
- Was the conclusion memorable?
- Was there a call-to-action?
- Did the speaker reinforce his theme / message in the end?
- Did the speaker wrap up key points in a nutshell?
- Did the speaker complete the speech as a full circle connecting what was stated in the beginning?
Visual Aids
- Did they overshadow the presentation or did it compliment the presentation?
- Did the speaker look like he was hiding behind his presentation or was the speaker still the primary focus?
- Did the visual aid show preparedness, creativity & was it memorable?
- Was it timed well?
- Was it visible clearly?
- Did it add value to the central message?
- Was it used well?
Physical – Body Language / Eye Contact
- Were the gestures natural, appropriate, timely and in sync with the speech?
- Were the gesture appropriate to the size of the audience?
- Did the speaker have powerful body language of confidence and poise?
- Was he able to connect to all parts of the audience through eye contact?
- Did he / she have any distracting gesture or any gesture that added more value or reinforce his / her message?
Vocal Variety
- Was the speaker clearly and pronounce the words audibly?
- Did the speaker have a pleasing voice?
- Did the speaker use the contrasts of high, low, soft, loud, and smoothly slide between the variations of pitch, rate, tempo and volume?
- Was the power and effect of the pause used to create impact, add value, heighten excitement and provide suspense?
- Was the language appropriate for the audience?
- Was it simple and easy to understand?
- Did the speaker articulate clearly?
- Were sentences short and easy to understand?
- Were the sentences constructed properly?
- Did the speaker use smart editing to ensure the key points were brought forward?
- Was the rule of the three used?
- What rhetorical devices were used? e.g. repetition, alliteration, metaphors, similes used?
- Was the speech conversational?
- Did the speech touch the head and heart?
- Did the speaker use humor?
- Did the speech have depth?
- Was the speech interesting?
- Did the speech reflect research & preparation?
- Did the speaker connect to the members of the audience?
- Was the message powerful? Did it have depth?
- Was appropriate humor used?
- Did the speaker use the power of a well placed pause?
- Did the speaker use the speaking area properly?
- Did anything the speaker do which distracted you from the presentation?
- Did the speakers looks add value to the presentation?
- Did the speaker pin up his Audio / Visual Equipment properly?
- Did the speaker get in touch with his mentor?
- Did the speaker believe in his / her message?
- Did the speaker involve your visual, auditory and kinesthetic senses?
- Do you think the speaker is better as a entertaining speaker, informative speaker, educative speaker or persuasive speaker?
- Would you want to listen to the speaker ever again?
Great list of questions to consider when evaluating a speaker. I will be directly my students to this post. So please don't take it down!