Friday, October 8, 2010

The Untold Story of Loy's Ability to Talk - Part 8

Ask anyone if they have any regrets in life
And you can be rest assured very few would say ‘yes’.
As a matter of fact, very rarely do people ever admit such a crime.


May be to portray a positive attitude.
May be to show a foolhardy delusional ability to control their destiny
May be to display a faith in some great super power
Or simply
May be because their pride would never let them admit this truth.

But I am of the humble opinion
Everyone has something
They wish they could change.
At least one.
If not, the assumption is simple
One has tuned his or her mind to think otherwise.
And since one cannot change how a person perceives life
I think I would be wise to let go of this assumption
And move on with the story
But yes the truth remain
If you are not perfect
If you are not in control of your environment
And if you are not 100% in control of everything you ‘aspire’ to be
Lets add other human beings
With the same issues and problems
Then yes, everyone has at least one regret.

I have many
But nothing comes close to this one
And it is my decision to leave my educational foundation unfinished
And pursue a career
As a speaker
In fact anything that would bring me to the spot light of speaking.
So great was the passion
And so addictive was the passion
That I found nothing wrong in jumping ship.

I landed in dubai with an oozing positivity
That life would embrace me
That challenges would be over come
And that I would conquer anything and everything
Little did I know
Anthony Robbins had over sold me to his idea
Without the most important ingredient
Common sense.

After coming to Dubai
For the next 2 years
I walked the hot, hungry and hopeless streets of Dubai
Knocking door after door
With an aim to get a job
But with a greater goal to use this as a stepping stone
To move towards my dream
Speaking as a career.

I applied to the only place I could
To showcase my skills
Speaking = Radio or Events.

In both cases, I was rejected
And firmly

After being stubborn for nearly 2 years
And running pillar to post
I ran out of the fuel my parents had filled me up with
The fuel of faith
And I finally moved into the first job I could grab
A shop keeper.

Yes, folks
After all the so called sophisticated education
And common sense
With all the accolades
I was now a humble shop keeper.

I thought the days were done with
And my dreams were over.

Surprisingly and shockingly
This was the going to be a wild ride
With stage experience
With events
And most importantly

And this is how it happened……

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