Thursday, December 16, 2010

When is it okay to kill your mother?

When is it okay to kill your mother?

There is a famous saying by the biblical character named Jesus Christ
‘Love your enemies’.
‘Forgive those who hate you’,
‘Do good to those who persecute you’
Blah blah blah blah and more blah blah
And so on and so forth.

Now personally speaking,
though I a self baptized atheist,
I find these words very powerful.
Very appealing
And very suprising.
They are the stuff legends are made up of.

In a world filled with hate, wars, crimes and problems,
these words of wisdom can surely bring peace and sanity.

But now comes the question of practicality and realism.

Is this Gandhian lifestyle possible?

Or rather is the better question if you want to adopt an attitude like this
where you rear end gets kicked from this end of the spectrum
to the far reaches of the galaxies
before the USS Enterprise ship NCC-1701 gets kicked into warp speed
assuming your arse was a meteorite coming to destroy them?

Personally speaking, being brought up with the label ‘catholic’
I had my share of experiences which really made me think.

Now for the reader to understand
Catholic over here means –
A religious identity which is advertised as
a matter of ‘American’ lifestyle and pride
where the members belong to the elite class of believers
who would go to heaven simply by virtue of going to Church once a week
(and in some cases never)
and verbally vomiting the verbose veneration to the high improbable case of a self pregnant-making woman –
which is the only specie apart from worms who seem to do the same thing.

Now added to that you have the ‘religious’ life style which includes the following:
1)      Drinking alcohol in plenty because Mr. Christ drank wine
2)      Smoking – well the bible doesn’t say smoking is bad (check the 10 commandments)
3)      Shagging members of the opposite sex from a young age
4)      Allowing your kids to live a loose-character life because you try to live a ‘western’ lifestyle
5)      Believing the ‘Americanish’ concept of Santa Clause
6)      Assuming there is ‘snow’ falling everywhere
7)      Commercializing festivities which include having a ‘Christ-mas tree’ – Wonder when Jesus had that?
8)      Having excess of food, parties and fun to commemorate the coming of the ‘Christ’ – may be he also must be dancing in a discotech in heaven somewhere.
9)      Hearing American singers fart out ‘Christian’ songs which may include anyone from the good old Boney M to Boys zone – who are pious Christians.
10)  And finally, going over-dress to the mid-night mass, trying to look all jazzy, withtoo much make up, too much perfume and too much show off only to come back home and enjoy a jam packed party session with gifts and fun

And if in case you are a ‘hardcore junkie’ believer, you can see the following traits:
1)      Walking around with the Bible everywhere you go
2)      Quoting Bibilical versus every second
3)      Saying ‘Praise the Lord’ instead  of a decent sensible greeting
4)      Calling every male ‘Brother’
5)      Calling every female ‘ Sister’
6)      Not even masturbating without feeling guilty
7)      Assuming that you are getting blessed with the ‘Holy Spirit’ when you sudden meet a bunch of like minded fools who blabber stuff just like you
8)      Foolishly presuming that when you start wriggling your tongue and screaming some nonsensical blabber, you are speaking in tougues or different languages
9)      Having the make belief concept that you are going to be ‘saved’ and your mission is to save the ‘lost sheep’
10)  Over praying too much at all times
11)  Assuming your life’s mission is to ‘pray’ and ‘touch’ other peoples lives by marketing the non-existent concept of Mr. Christ.
12)  And organizing ‘youth’ groups where the young are ‘brain-washed’ into believing they are being touched by their ‘Lord’ and ‘Saviour’ – where the way they dress to the way they act is so bloody obnoxious.
13)  And this is the best one – Having ‘Rap’ and ‘Rock’ groups dedicated to ‘Christ’

 So these are our Christian ‘brothers and sisters’

Peaceful folks but utterly misguided human beings.

It is like how my friend put it - It is okay to believe in ‘Forgive and forget’ if you are a faggot like these f**kers’

But they are nice ‘f**kers’ who would not bomb you, blast you or beat you if you speak against them.

Nice guys to be honest.

So how far does this philosophy of forgive and forget work well?

Personally, I don’t think very far.

Today you have families that check your weight in terms of your ‘earning’ capacity.

If you earn well, you are in their good books.
If you have a successful position, they give you respect.
If you have a thriving business, they will love you to death.

In fact most of the prayers are centered around the concept of ‘I need er…this’

So why this drama?

I mean where does God come in?
Where does ‘family’ come in?
Where does ‘goodness’ come in?

Aren’t we all fooling ourselves?

You don’t live the life of Christ – then why classify yourself as a ‘Christian’?
You don’t love your family members ‘selflessly’, then why have the drama of wanting to be as a ‘family’?
You are not a genuine person, then why expect genuineness from others?

I think we need to be honest, realistic and practical.

Mr. Jesus Christ can put all his theories into place.
But what happened to him in the end?
He got his ass kicked left right and center, raped, ripped and regurgitated by everyone
And in the end ‘crucified’
That is exactly the same what will happen to you
If you follow his ‘theory’
And chances are your ‘resurrection’ – well that would be most improbable
If you want, give it a shot.
I don’t think you will resurrect.

So that is where we need to stop fooling ourselves and ask difficult questions – Questions we are scared to ask and the answers we don’t have courage to face.

All these religious associations we have
The beliefs we share
And the double standard lives we live
Make no sense to ourselves
As well as to the people around us.

We are all faking it.

And as long as we don’t ask hard hitting questions
That shake up our very existence
and put us in a uncomfortable position
We are okay with the lives we live

But everything will have a price to pay.

Everything does.

Forgive and forget is good
As long as we ‘assume’ that it serves a greater good.

In my case, I choose not to forget.
And if I have not forgotten
I have never forgiven.

I may not hurt the person
But I will never forget the incident.
And I will use it to
remind me
drive me
and motivate me
to reach my objective and my goal in life.

All these relationships are empty words and identities that have no value.
It all comes down to the benefit you can provide others.

(if you notice I haven’t even mentioned ‘friends’ anywhere)

In my books and my life
I don’t know the exact day when I baptized myself as an atheist.
But I do know one important date.
Wednesday, 15th December 2010
Is the day I declared myself
Not just an atheist
But an orphan.
In my books
My mother
My father
My brother
My sister
Are all dead
They don’t exist.

I have come into this world by some ‘miraculous’ happening
(or for that matter a sperm that got out of a penis by tearing through a condom because of mismanaged sex)
And I will go to a place where the poor worms are waiting for their annual quota of rotting mass.

I will use every episode in my life to fuel the fire of vengeance and drive my body towards my purposeful goal – a dream. A dream to help whomsoever I can without anything in return.

But what I do, say and think with my personal life.
Is no one’s business.

So when it is okay to kill your mother?

The day the bitch forgets that you are her son and sells you for a profit.

I’ve killed not only my mother but my whole family.


They killed me before that.

Now all that remains is a dead body that refuses to die.


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