Saturday, September 5, 2009

The greatest speech in the world

The greatest speech in the world

Who gave the world’s greatest speech?

I decided to check the guru of all answers – Google.

Seems the longest speech in the world was Dr. Donald Thomas' speech which lasted 32 hours and 25 minutes.

The shortest was for 1 sec.

Okay fine, 1 sec & .4 milli second.

It was so short, they had no idea who gave it.

The most controversial speeches in the world were by John "Birdman" Bryant

Well, since there is nothing here, lets go back in time.

2008 – Obama “Yes, we can”

2006 - President Chavez who in his speech to the UN in 2006 (referring to Bush who came and spoke at the same place a day before) said “The devil came here yesterday and it smells of sulphur”.

2003: The ‘Iraq War Eve of Battle Speech’ by Tim Colins? A master piece in writing but sadly, he never meant a word of it.

1997: Remakrs upon the death of Diana, Princess of Wales by Tony Blair? (notably quoted 'Born a Lady, Became a Princess, Died a Saint': The Reaction to the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales)

1996: I am an African by Thabo Mbeki

1987: Tear down this Wall by Ronald Regan to Soviet Union Leader Mikhail Gorbachev

1974: Richard Nixon’s resignation speech

1964: Ballot or the Bullet by Malcolm X (editors note – they gave him the bullet)

1963: I am prepared to die by Nelson Mandela (even God let him live so long after this speech)

1963: I have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr. (he died afterwards)

1963 – Ich Bin Ein Berliner by John F. Kennedy (editors note - According to an urban legend, Kennedy made a slightly embarrassing grammatical error by saying "Ich bin ein Berliner," referring to himself not as a citizen of Berlin, but as a common pastry

1961 - Ask what you can do for your country - John Fitzgerald Kennedy (The inaugural address of John F. Kennedy was the only inaugural address ever delivered by U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Kennedy made the speech during inaugural ceremonies on January 20, 1961, immediately after Chief Justice Earl Warren had sworn Kennedy in. The address is 1364 words and took 13 minutes and 59 seconds to deliver, from the first word to the last word, not including applause at the end, making it the fourth-shortest inaugural address ever delivered. With the highest number of words per minute – 105. Famous quotes from this address include: "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country" and "Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate."

1957: Longest speech in the United Nations by Krishna Menon (an Indian nationalist and politician. He led the Indian delegation to the United Nations (1952 - 1962), On 23 January 1957 he delivered an unprecedented 8-hour speech defending India’s stand on Kashmir.[1] To date, Krishna Menon’s speech is the longest ever delivered in the United Nations Security Council)

1956: We will bury you - Nikita Khrushchev (The phrase may well have been intended to mean the Soviet Union would outlast the West, as a more complete version of the quote reads: "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you" - a meaning more akin to "we will attend your funeral" than "we shall cause your funeral")

In 1940’s the prize went to Indians -

1948: The light has gone out of our lives - Jawaharlal Nehru

1947: Tryst with destiny - Jawaharlal Nehru

1942: Quit India speech - Mahatma Gandhi (The Quit India speech is a speech made by Mahatma Gandhi on August 8th 1942, the movement is best described by his call to Do or Die)

In the 1940’s the honors were taken by the British namely the finest speaker of the British Empire:

1940: Blood, toil, tears, and sweat by Winston Churchill

1940: We shall fight on the beaches - Winston Churchill

1940: This was their finest hour - Winston Churchill

1939: The luckiest man on the face of the earth - Lou Gehrig (his career was tragically cut short by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), now commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig's Disease.)

Checked the rest…

Not worth mentioning.

So Finally…

Now who gave the best speech in the world?

Well the chap did not win any Trophy,

Have any newspaper speak good about him,

Nor have anyone applaud him

But he gave people hope.

Requested them forgiveness.

Asked them to lead a good life.

And it was a speech understood

By the young and old

By the uneducated and the philosophers

By the good and the bad.

That is why even today

The most simplest of stories he told other people

Made even the most uneducated understand

One of the most complex theories ever

Of God, Heaven and Hell.

And proof of this?

Today his followers are in the Billions

He is the most famous man ever

And finally

Love him or hate him, He is still the most talked of man even today.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The world greatest speech

Was given by the worlds greatest speaker.

It was in the time of 30 BC

By a man

Who some say died

While some others says never can.

His name is…..

Jesus Christ.

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