You can divide your non-verbal communicators into 5 categories.
- Hands
- Legs
- Face
- Body
- Stage
- Hands must be used to communicate a message. The process I use is this:
- Have a speech ready that you would like to deliver.
- What you do then is deliver the speech WITHOUT SAYING A SINGLE WORD AT ALL.
- Video tape this and have a look.
- Have a look and ask yourself – does my hands speak my message?
- If yes, you are doing a good job.
- If not, work to make it happen.
Word of advice
- Larger the audience – bigger the gestures.
- Make sure your gestures are in sync with your verbal message
- Some speakers believe in walking around and using the whole stage area, while some others feel a small space is enough.
- Find out how much space is comfortable to you.
- Move ONLY if there is a purpose OR you want to connect to another part of the audience.
Word of advice
- When you move forward – it is to make a point stronger and focus on that point.
- When you move backward – it is to make a point weaker or show the larger picture.
- When you want to make sense / chronological point – Move (if you are on the stage facing the audience) left to right i.e. provided the stage is large.
- Avoid walking around like a desperate person or as they call it ‘hungry lion’
Follow the same procedure as stated in ‘Hands’
- Your posture is very important – Have a power posture
- Avoid standing on one leg or having the weight of your body on one side
- Let your body move when there is an expression you want to express
- When you lower you body – it is done for a sad moment
- When you elevate your body – it is for a positive / happy moment. The higher – the happier
Word of advice
- Your posture is very important – Have a power posture
- Avoid standing on one leg or having the weight of your body on one side
- The stage can be used for
- past, present or future.
- particular incidents
- to show a person’s presence
- to state a point of wisdom
Word of advice
- I normally use 8 areas of a stage to communicate my message
- Use the stage ONLY if you are comfortable with it – not because someone said it.
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