Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The predictions of Loy Anthony Machedo by a GURU based in Gujrat

The predictions of Loy Anthony Machedo by a GURU based in Gujrat

(The guy never met me, he just took my details through someone else. I think I got this somewhere in the month of March or so)

Date of Birth - January 29th 1977
Place of Birth - Bombay
Time of Birth between - 8 to 10am

1) General Questions

His mother said she does not remember his exact time of birth. But she remembers her 2nd younger son's birth time very well. He wants to know if this is true? Answer: It is false. She knows his exact time of birth. He was born between 8am to 10am

2) He is lost in life and wants to know his purpose in life and why was he created, because at times he does not see the purpose of his living. Answer: He will after he gets a life partner

3) Will he have a flourishing career ahead? Answer: Not flourishing, but it will be average.

4) Will he have happiness and peace in life? Answer: Very Less.

5) Since he has experienced many failures. He wants to know if he will ever succeed in anything? If so what? Answer: After getting a partner in life, things will be ok.

6) Will he be able to complete his education? Answer: No

7) Which Country will he finally settle down or will he stay in Dubai for the rest of his life? Answer: Dubai but Europe would be a better option

8) Will he forever work under someone or will he ever have business of his own? Answer: Will always work under someone. Should not do any business

9) How will his health be and will he have any serious illness in the future? Answer: Will have heart problems later in life

10) Are there any bad phases or times in his life? If so what are they and which is the worst one? Answer: Your good time will start only after October 2009

11) What is the biggest problem of his life? Answer: His wife will be his biggest problem.

12) Should he be close to his family and relatives or should he stay far from them? Answer: Stay far

13) Does his family including his mother, father, brother, and step father love him? Answer: No

14) what has been the reason for all his failures in his life till now? And will he always be a failure compared to everyone else in his family? Answer: You have to fast on Wednesdays and pour water to the sun

15) He wants a summary of his life in his 40's, 50's, 60's and after that until death? Answer: A long life full of struggle

16) Is it possible to tell when will his death be and how? Answer: Not possible to tell

17) What is Panditji's advice for him in life, as per follows - what should he do and what should he not do? What should he be careful about? Answer: You should wear a moon stone on your finger, pour water to the sun, fast for 21 Wednesdays and life will be go smooth.

18) Career & Work: Will he ever be financially successful? Answer: Financially will do average. Not too good and not too bad.

19) Will he ever have savings? Answer: strongly advised to save money

20) He is currently working under a boss named Gabriel D’Souza - How long will he be working for Gabriel? Answer: For a very long time

21) What type of a man is Gabriel? Should he continue working for Gabriel? If yes then for how long? Answer: Yes, for long term.

22) Should he leave working for Gabriel. If yes when should he leave? Answer: No

23) Loy is currently competing for World Championship of Public Speaking - Will he win the championship? Answer: It will be a struggle. Advised to fast on Wednesdays

24) Will he achieve anything big in life that would make him famous or well known? Answer: No

25) What career will he finally choose and settle in? And will he do very well in that field? Answer: Work

About Marriage:-

26) Will he get married again? Answer: Yes

27) If so when and at what age? Answer: This year after September 2009

28) Will the girl be of Indian Nationality or of foreign origin? What will her religion be? Answer: Foreign

29) Will he be a good father and husband? Answer: No

30) How many children will he have? Answer: 2

31) How will his relation be with his children? Answer: good

32) Will this marriage last or will this also break? Answer: 50/50 There are 50% chances for it to last and 50% chances for it to break

33) Has the girl entered his life already or not? If yes then has he met the girl? If no then when will she enter? Answer: The girl has not entered yet. She will enter your life any time between April - Dec 2009

34) Will he have a happy married life with his spouse? Answer: 50/50

35) He has a lot of distractions for women. Will that ever stop and will he be serious about his wife? Answer: Strongly advised to be serious

Suggestion:- Has to wear a Moon stone ( mama got you one already ), embedded in a silver ring and wear it on your right hand small finger on a Monday.

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