Thursday, August 26, 2010

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

My views on Love, Lust, Marriage and Friendship between a Man and Woman And the lessons learnt. Part 3 - The Final Episode.

My views on Love, Lust, Marriage and Friendship between a Man and Woman And the lessons learnt. Part 3

The final episode.

So what was I trying to say?

I don’t have time….so here goes….
The final version of what I learnt through my life….
Without bullshit.

The definitions that I believe in….

A testosterone filled
Physically superior
Opportunity blessed
Power driven
Sexually charged
Success slave
That always wants to have the last laugh
With the least amount of effort, headache and problems possible
While wanting to hide the fact
That in the end he will always be a slave to a woman
But would always want to dominate and rule her.

A physically weaker specimen
Who has to undergo
Pleasure and Passion
Pain and Problems
Of an unfair world
That has been used to treating her as the weaker sex
And who has to always do one thing
Give birth
Give love
Give happiness
Give Sacrifice
And finally in the end
Give her life
And who makes the greatest foolish mistake of assuming that
She can one day be equal to man
And that her body, her mind and her spirit can achieve
The challenges crushing her gender race from the beginning of time

Love is
A state of mind.
An illusion.
A game everyone plays
An emotional feeling that makes us do things we normally wouldn’t do
A logical delusion that convinces us on what is not right
And a grave mistake everyone has to make at some point of their lives

Lust is when
your sexual organs
do the thinking for you
it supplies your body
with the addictive  doses of pleasure and heavenly orgasm
which you want & don’t need
but every part of you thinks otherwise.

A decision two people take to do things together
and benefit from each other company in every possible manner
while giving foolish excuses and reasons why they should be together
simply because they only consider the good stuff which they hope to get some day
and ignore the ugly reality of boredom that will eventually catch up with them everyday

A relationship where there are
Common interests
Mutual benefits
Mental justification
Physical satisfaction
Spiritual commonness
And justifiable grounds to stay together

And the final definition…

Your life and your Truth
Is this
The statements
Or definitions
That you laughed
Or tickled you
Or made you disagree
Are the ones
That have the most impact in your life
And may be
That is why
Because of this
Your life
Is the way it is now
It is NOT
The way
You wanted
It to be.

Read it again
If you didn’t follow
The truth
In my lies.

(makes you laugh again doesn’t it?)

From the Devil’s Advocate and the Son of God.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What I learnt from one of the hottest model - Andreea Zoia.

What I learnt from one of the hottest model - Andreea Zoia.

I used to live in my small shoe box world
with a pea-sized opinion and
a universe sized ego
branding these creatures whom we know as ‘models’.

I mean after all – who are models?

Let me take you through
a tour of my small pea-sized
South Indian brain.

When I would see a model, the top 10 thoughts that came to mind was….
1) What a fucking skinny bitch
2) What a bitchy character
3) What a characterless female
4) What kind of a female would flaunt her body for the world to see? Rubbish woman
5) Must be a whore ready to sleep with anyone for success
6) What a dumb brainless obnoxious female
7) What’s the big fucking deal of walking down a bloody ramp? Any idiot can do this
8) Fake smile, Fake Attitude and Fake personality
9) Easy to bed these women if you have money
10) Female with high maintenance value.

That my friend was me and my shitty opinion.
And then, I met Andy Pandy.
Andy who?
Andreea Zoia.
A model and fashion connoisseur.
A lovely Romanian woman.
And everything else.
But as usual, I discounted her.
I didn’t find her ‘great’ or ‘irresistible’ but there was something about her.
Just like the movie ‘Something about Mary’, something 'else' stood out.
I mean don’t get me wrong.
She was attractive.
She had an amazing smile, well toned body, slim figure, great charm, absolute humility and a lovely attitude.
But there was the one small tiny ingredient that stood out.
And that surprised me to be honest.
She had passion. Passion.
Not as in ‘sex’.
(Get those porn filled thoughts out of your crappy head - idiot!)
Now…when I stated passion…
I am talking about something else….
Passion as in thirst.
And I would call it not just passion but…
A Die hard passion
A Die hard passion –
to learn, to grow and to become better.
And from that moment our glancing ‘hello’ blossomed a friendship,
which I find very hard to explain
but can pen it down to total mutual respect
and complete admiration that we both have for each other
where we know we love and care for each other –
while we hate many things about each other at the same time.

So what is the great spiritual logic that has made me from a ‘model hater’ to a ‘model admirer’?

Here are my reasons.
Model have to work bloody hard to maintain their figure and they physique. This involves a Spartan discipline of workouts, Die hard diet control, inhuman lifestyle of refusing the pleasures of eating like a normal person. And they have to keep their weight and figure in absolute – even with all the issues and challenges of the biological roller-coasters that women go through – most terribly never having a normal nights sleep.

They have to sell themselves because they are the product.
And they have to do this day in and day out.
To each and every decision maker.
That too keeping in mind the dirty industry that they are in,
is a place where many up coming and youthful models
have to be crushed and crumpled
to cross the thin red cavalcade of decency
to sacrifice to the heartless wants of characterless men…
and that too keeping in mind
that age is running like water through their fingers
while facing the bitter fact that
this is the only way of earning their daily bread
– to get that precious next contract.

These poor women
have to go through a batter of a high pressurized environment
where the hours can be endless,
where ego’s are so sky high and
where one mistake can result in
a cold, calculative and complete cut off
from the industry itself.
So how can a bird survive outside
when food only lies inside the cage?

They have to let go of the moments
where they can live their childhood,
they girly moments and
a life of a normal person
simply because
their priesthood journey of becoming a model
demands this sacrifice.

Did you ever consider
that they may have families to support?
This may come as a shock to many
but I have come across models who are single mothers,
models who take care of their parents,
models who are supporting their entire families
along with the education of their siblings……
This to me is character
at its best and most selfless.
You don’t have to search for ‘Mother Teresa’s.
Some of them are right there
that too in the fashion world
but in total secrecy. 

Have you considered
that may be these creatures
do not only focus on modeling
but may also try to do other work
like teaching,
running a business or
may be doing side jobs –
which can be as mandane as standing in a shopping mall for hours
while looking at others staring at them
with bad intentions?....
And all this is 
just to earn something more
to make life a bit more better?
And I dont know about you
But it came as a shock to me
to know that this industry
does not pay that well.

Lets accept this fact…
that just may be,
the expenses for being portrayed
so hot and sexy
come with very high bills –
everything from the make up you wear,
the wardrobe you select
to the medicines you take?

And finally,
did it ever occur to you that
being a model is a life long process
of learning, studying and competing?
Even something as simple as a ‘cat-walk’
has a definite course study program attached to it –
Did you know that?
I didn't.
Dieting and Exercise –
is another lesson they have to learn –
each and every day?
Public presentation and marketability –
is also another lesson they have to learn?
And how can you forget
the hardcore presence
of a ruthless competitive drive
that has the psyche –
either you get it or I get it?
In an industry brazen with limited age group,
stress levels that can kill a normal person and
countless thousands who enter and hope
to become the next big thing
‘every second’ –
what can one do to survive?

So what does it all come down to?
I have learnt to respect these angelic beings
who are twisted and tormented
for the temptations of our troubled times.

May be for many these are women who are lost and
are chasing a glorious lifestyle
that is as certain as where the wind may blow tomorrow.

But as for me,
my perception and opinion of these women is
no more the same.

I respect these individuals
who have taken such a bold leap
into such ambitious shark infested waters
where they must learn to swim and escape
the sexual and senseless blood thirsty appetite of flesh eating beasts
while facing reality that nothing is forever.

Its easy branding them as expensive.

its easy to brand them into anything.

But for once, I will not do that.

Because I have learnt something
from one of the hottest model -
Andreea Zoia.

What is that lesson?


Sexy was never a cheap affair.

46 smart uses for salt

By Melissa BreyerMore from Care2 Green Living blog

(Photo: Getty Images)
(Photo: Getty Images)
How many ways can you use salt? According to the Salt Institute, about 14,000! The salt website has tons of handy tips for using salt around the house, and the best of the bunch -- plus my additions -- are listed below.
I can't think of another more versatile mineral.  Salt is the most common and readily available nonmetallic mineral in the world. In fact, the supply of salt is inexhaustible.
For thousands of years, salt (sodium chloride) has been used to preserve food and for cleaning, and people have continued to rely on it for all kinds of nifty tricks.
So with its nontoxic friendliness and status as an endlessly abundant resource, let's swap out some toxic solutions for ample, innocuous, and inexpensive salt.
There are a number of forms of salt produced for consumption (and by default, housekeeping!): unrefined salt (such as sea salt), refined salt (table salt), and iodized salt. Kosher salt is sodium chloride processed to have flat crystals. And in case you're wondering, Epsom salt is an entirely different stuff: magnesium sulfate to be exact (which is a salt that I consider to be, essentially, miraculous).
Here are just a few of the many ways you can put salt to good use in your home:

In the Kitchen

Aside from all of the alchemy that salt performs in terms of baking chemistry and food flavor, salt has a number of other great applications in the kitchen.
Test egg freshness.
Put two teaspoons of salt in a cup of water and place an egg in it -- a fresh egg will sink, an older egg will float. Because the air cell in an egg increases as it ages, an older egg is more buoyant. This doesn't mean a floating egg is rotten, just more mature. Crack the egg into a bowl and examine it for any funky odor or appearance -- if it's rotten, your nose will tell you. (Bonus fact: if you have hard-boiled eggs that are difficult to peel, that means they are fresh!)
Set poached eggs.
Because salt increases the temperature of boiling water, it helps to set the whites more quickly when eggs are dropped into the water for poaching.
Prevent fruits from browning.
Most of us use lemon or vinegar to stop peeled apples and pears from browning, but you can also drop them in lightly salted water to help them keep their color.
Shell nuts more easily.
Soak pecans and walnuts in salt water for several hours before shelling to make it easier to remove the meat.
Prevent cake icing crystals.
A little salt added to cake icings prevents them from sugaring.
Remove odors from hands.
Oniony-garlicy fingers? I like soap and water, then rubbing them on anything made of stainless steel (it really works), but you can also rub your fingers with a salt and vinegar combo.
Reach high peaks.
Add a tiny pinch of salt when beating egg whites or whipping cream for quicker, higher peaks.
Extend cheese life.
Prevent mold on cheese by wrapping it in a cloth moistened with saltwater before refrigerating.
Save the bottom of your oven.
If a pie or casserole bubbles over in the oven, put a handful of salt on top of the spill. It won't smoke and smell, and it will bake into a crust that makes the baked-on mess much easier to clean when it has cooled.


Personal Care

Extend toothbrush life.
Soak toothbrushes in salt water before your first use; they'll last longer.
Clean teeth.
Use one part fine salt to two parts baking soda -- dip your toothbrush in the mix and brush as usual. You can also use the same mix dissolved in water for orthodontic appliances.
Rinse your mouth.
Mix equal parts salt and baking soda in water for a fresh and deodorizing mouth rinse.
Ease mouth problems.
For cankers, abscesses, and other mouth sores, rinse your mouth with a weak solution of warm saltwater several times a day.
Relieve bee-sting pain.
Ouch? Immediately dampen area and pack on a small pile of salt to reduce pain and swelling. More bee-sting tips here.
Treat mosquito bites.
A saltwater soak can do wonders for that special mosquito-bite itch -- a poultice of salt mixed with olive oil can help too.
Treat poison ivy.
Same method as for treating mosquito bites. (Salt doesn't seem to distinguish between itches.)
Have an exfoliating massage.
After bathing and while still wet give yourself a massage with dry salt. It freshens skin and boosts circulation.
Ease throat pain.
Mix salt and warm water, gargle to relieve a sore throat.

Around the House

Deter ants.
Sprinkle salt at doorways, window sills, and anywhere else ants sneak into your house. Ants don't like to walk on salt.
Extinguish grease fires.
Keep a box of salt near your stove and oven, and if a grease fire flares up, douse the flames with salt. (Never use water on grease fires; it will splatter the burning grease.) When salt is applied to fire, it acts like a heat sink and dissipates the heat from the fire -- it also forms an oxygen-excluding crust to smother the fire.
Drip-proof candles.
If you soak new candles in a strong salt solution for a few hours, then dry them well, they will not drip as much when you burn them.
Keep cut flowers fresh.
A dash of salt added to the water in a flower vase will keep cut flowers fresh longer. (You can also try an aspirin or a dash of sugar for the same effect.)
Arrange artificial flowers.
Artificial flowers can be held in place by pouring salt into the vase, adding a little cold water and then arranging the flowers. The salt become solid as it dries and holds the flowers in place.
Make play dough.
Use 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup salt, 1 cup water, 2 tablespoons oil, and 2 tablespoons cream of tartar. Stir together flour, cream of tartar, salt, and oil, and slowly add water. Cook over medium heat stirring frequently until dough becomes stiff. Spread onto wax paper and let cool. Knead the dough with your hands until it reaches a good dough consistency. (Read about juice dyes here.)
Repair walls.
To fill nail holes, fix chips or other small dings in white sheet-rock or plaster walls, mix 2 tablespoons salt and 2 tablespoons cornstarch, then add enough water (about 5 teaspoons) to make a thick paste. Use the paste to fill the holes.
Deter patio weeds.
If weeds or grass grow between bricks or blocks in your patio, sidewalk, or driveway, carefully spread salt between the cracks, then sprinkle with water or wait for rain to wet it down.
Kill poison ivy.
Mix three pounds of salt with a gallon of soapy water (use a gentle dish soap) and apply to leaves and stems with a sprayer, avoiding any plant life that you want to keep.
De-ice sidewalks and driveways.
One of the oldest tricks in the book! Lightly sprinkle rock salt on walks and driveways to keep snow and ice from bonding to the pavement and allow for easier shoveling/scraping. But don't overdo it; use the salt sensibly to avoid damage to plants and paws.
Tame a wild barbecue.
Toss a bit of salt on flames from food dripping in barbecue grills to reduce the flames and calm the smoke without cooling the coals (like water does).


Salt works as an effective yet gentle scouring agent. Salt also serves as a catalyst for other ingredients, such as vinegar, to boost cleaning and deodorizing action. For a basic soft scrub, make a paste with lots of salt, baking soda and dish soap and use on appliances, enamel, porcelain, etc.
Clean sink drains.
Pour salt mixed with hot water down the kitchen sink regularly to deodorize and keep grease from building up.
Remove water rings.
Gently rub a thin paste of salt and vegetable oil on the white marks caused by beverage glasses and hot dishes on wooden tables.
Clean greasy pans. 
Cast-iron skillets can be cleaned
 with a good sprinkling of salt and paper towels.
Clean stained cups.
Mix salt with a dab of dish soap to make a soft scrub for stubborn coffee and tea stains.
Clean refrigerators.
A mix of salt and soda water can be used to wipe out and deodorize the inside of your refrigerator, a nice way to keep chemical-y cleaners away from your food.
Clean brass or copper.
Mix equal parts of salt, flour, and vinegar to make a paste, and rub the paste on the metal. After letting it sit for an hour, clean with a soft cloth or brush and buff with a dry cloth.
Clean rust.
Mix salt and cream of tartar with just enough water to make a paste. Rub on rust, let dry, brush off and buff with a dry, soft cloth. You can also use the same method with a mix of salt and lemon.
Clean a glass coffee pot.
Every diner waitress' favorite tip: add salt and ice cubes to a coffee pot, swirl around vigorously, and rinse. The salt scours the bottom, and the ice helps to agitate it more for a better scrub.



Attack wine spills.
If a tipsy guest tips wine on your cotton or linen tablecloth, blot up as much as possible and immediately cover the wine with a pile of salt, which will help pull the remaining wine away form the fiber. After dinner, soak the tablecloth in cold water for 30 minutes before laundering. (Also works on clothing.)
Quell oversudsing.
Since, of course, we are all very careful in how much detergent we use in our laundry, we never have too many suds. But if someone overfills ... you can eliminate excess suds with a sprinkle of salt.
Dry clothes in the winter.
Use salt in the final laundry rinse to prevent clothes from freezing if you use an outdoor clothes line in the winter.
Brighten colors.
Wash colored curtains or washable fiber rugs in a saltwater solution to brighten the colors. Brighten faded rugs and carpets by rubbing them briskly with a cloth that has been dipped in a strong saltwater solution and wrung out.
Remove perspiration stains.
Add four tablespoons of salt to one quart of hot water and sponge the fabric with the solution until stains fade.
Remove blood stains.
Soak the stained cloth in cold saltwater, then launder in warm, soapy water and boil after the wash. (Use only on cotton, linen, or other natural fibers that can take high heat.)
Tackle mildew or rust stains.
Moisten stained spots with a mixture of lemon juice and salt, then spread the item in the sun for bleaching -- then rinse and dry.
Clean a gunky iron bottom.
Sprinkle a little salt on a piece of paper and run the hot iron over it to remove rough, sticky spots.
Set color.
Salt is used commonly in the textile industry, but works at home too. If a dye isn't colorfast, soak the garment for an hour in 1/2 gallon of water to which you've added 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/2 cup salt, then rinse. If rinse water has any color in it, repeat. Use only on single-colored fabric or madras. If the item is multicolored, dry-clean it to avoid running all of the colors together.

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