Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What I learnt from one of the hottest model - Andreea Zoia.

What I learnt from one of the hottest model - Andreea Zoia.

I used to live in my small shoe box world
with a pea-sized opinion and
a universe sized ego
branding these creatures whom we know as ‘models’.

I mean after all – who are models?

Let me take you through
a tour of my small pea-sized
South Indian brain.

When I would see a model, the top 10 thoughts that came to mind was….
1) What a fucking skinny bitch
2) What a bitchy character
3) What a characterless female
4) What kind of a female would flaunt her body for the world to see? Rubbish woman
5) Must be a whore ready to sleep with anyone for success
6) What a dumb brainless obnoxious female
7) What’s the big fucking deal of walking down a bloody ramp? Any idiot can do this
8) Fake smile, Fake Attitude and Fake personality
9) Easy to bed these women if you have money
10) Female with high maintenance value.

That my friend was me and my shitty opinion.
And then, I met Andy Pandy.
Andy who?
Andreea Zoia.
A model and fashion connoisseur.
A lovely Romanian woman.
And everything else.
But as usual, I discounted her.
I didn’t find her ‘great’ or ‘irresistible’ but there was something about her.
Just like the movie ‘Something about Mary’, something 'else' stood out.
I mean don’t get me wrong.
She was attractive.
She had an amazing smile, well toned body, slim figure, great charm, absolute humility and a lovely attitude.
But there was the one small tiny ingredient that stood out.
And that surprised me to be honest.
She had passion. Passion.
Not as in ‘sex’.
(Get those porn filled thoughts out of your crappy head - idiot!)
Now…when I stated passion…
I am talking about something else….
Passion as in thirst.
And I would call it not just passion but…
A Die hard passion
A Die hard passion –
to learn, to grow and to become better.
And from that moment our glancing ‘hello’ blossomed a friendship,
which I find very hard to explain
but can pen it down to total mutual respect
and complete admiration that we both have for each other
where we know we love and care for each other –
while we hate many things about each other at the same time.

So what is the great spiritual logic that has made me from a ‘model hater’ to a ‘model admirer’?

Here are my reasons.
Model have to work bloody hard to maintain their figure and they physique. This involves a Spartan discipline of workouts, Die hard diet control, inhuman lifestyle of refusing the pleasures of eating like a normal person. And they have to keep their weight and figure in absolute – even with all the issues and challenges of the biological roller-coasters that women go through – most terribly never having a normal nights sleep.

They have to sell themselves because they are the product.
And they have to do this day in and day out.
To each and every decision maker.
That too keeping in mind the dirty industry that they are in,
is a place where many up coming and youthful models
have to be crushed and crumpled
to cross the thin red cavalcade of decency
to sacrifice to the heartless wants of characterless men…
and that too keeping in mind
that age is running like water through their fingers
while facing the bitter fact that
this is the only way of earning their daily bread
– to get that precious next contract.

These poor women
have to go through a batter of a high pressurized environment
where the hours can be endless,
where ego’s are so sky high and
where one mistake can result in
a cold, calculative and complete cut off
from the industry itself.
So how can a bird survive outside
when food only lies inside the cage?

They have to let go of the moments
where they can live their childhood,
they girly moments and
a life of a normal person
simply because
their priesthood journey of becoming a model
demands this sacrifice.

Did you ever consider
that they may have families to support?
This may come as a shock to many
but I have come across models who are single mothers,
models who take care of their parents,
models who are supporting their entire families
along with the education of their siblings……
This to me is character
at its best and most selfless.
You don’t have to search for ‘Mother Teresa’s.
Some of them are right there
that too in the fashion world
but in total secrecy. 

Have you considered
that may be these creatures
do not only focus on modeling
but may also try to do other work
like teaching,
running a business or
may be doing side jobs –
which can be as mandane as standing in a shopping mall for hours
while looking at others staring at them
with bad intentions?....
And all this is 
just to earn something more
to make life a bit more better?
And I dont know about you
But it came as a shock to me
to know that this industry
does not pay that well.

Lets accept this fact…
that just may be,
the expenses for being portrayed
so hot and sexy
come with very high bills –
everything from the make up you wear,
the wardrobe you select
to the medicines you take?

And finally,
did it ever occur to you that
being a model is a life long process
of learning, studying and competing?
Even something as simple as a ‘cat-walk’
has a definite course study program attached to it –
Did you know that?
I didn't.
Dieting and Exercise –
is another lesson they have to learn –
each and every day?
Public presentation and marketability –
is also another lesson they have to learn?
And how can you forget
the hardcore presence
of a ruthless competitive drive
that has the psyche –
either you get it or I get it?
In an industry brazen with limited age group,
stress levels that can kill a normal person and
countless thousands who enter and hope
to become the next big thing
‘every second’ –
what can one do to survive?

So what does it all come down to?
I have learnt to respect these angelic beings
who are twisted and tormented
for the temptations of our troubled times.

May be for many these are women who are lost and
are chasing a glorious lifestyle
that is as certain as where the wind may blow tomorrow.

But as for me,
my perception and opinion of these women is
no more the same.

I respect these individuals
who have taken such a bold leap
into such ambitious shark infested waters
where they must learn to swim and escape
the sexual and senseless blood thirsty appetite of flesh eating beasts
while facing reality that nothing is forever.

Its easy branding them as expensive.

its easy to brand them into anything.

But for once, I will not do that.

Because I have learnt something
from one of the hottest model -
Andreea Zoia.

What is that lesson?


Sexy was never a cheap affair.

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