Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The day I farted and laughed at the same time until I soiled my undergarments.

Taken from www.loymachedo.com
Loy's fat belly
I am in my office bored of work and my thoughts are flying everywhere else…..so time to write my blog…..And this is what I remember…..
A few days ago I was with one of my friends who is rather a good looking chap. As usual the facebook bug bit me and I decided to click a snap – so that I could upload it into my albums titled ‘moments outside’.
I came home late, transferred the photograph to into my PC, uploaded it on facebook, tagged my friend and went off to sleep.
The next day I woke up and found a message on my phone, a email on my facebook email account and an email on my personal emails – in fact all 3 of them.
They all read the same sentence – Please take off my picture from your albums.
And what do you think he accounted the reason?
It read ‘My nose looks really long and makes me look ugly.’
Now, I read it.
And my reaction was a rather very profound one.
I burst out laughing.
In fact, I laughed so much, I laughed and farted at the same time.
Have you ever laughed and farted at the same time?
Trust me – there is nothing in the world that compares to that experience.
You are laughing and you fart.
And then you feel so embarrassed, you laugh at yourself – and even worse – fart again.
And this terrible cycle goes on and one, until either you cant laugh anymore or you must have shat in your pants.
In my case, I have a lot of stamina to laugh.
So I have to shamefully admit, I had to put my undergarments to wash – separately.
After this, I came back on my seat, composed myself and red the line again.
This time I didn’t laugh hard.
Rather I looked at the sentence and tried to analyse it.
I mean, it had the most profound meaning I could imagine.
Imagine this – what a powerful impact does society have on us that we are even ashamed to be who we are.
It is so great, that we modify ourselves to keep others happy – while we foolishly believe that we are the masters of our own fate and the captains of our own soul – except in this or that category.
So amazing is this peer pressure that society puts on us, that we have to be someone else, do something else, act like somebody else or imitate some person else – or worse suppress ourselves, just to be ‘right’ in the eyes of a global society.
Why my friend?
Is it to reap the benefits of society by showing you are part of their culture?
Is it to enjoy certain bit of mileage so that you can survive?
Or is it just because we are scared to be us?
I thought about it.
And then I decided instead of laughing at him, why not reflect on me.
What all have I done to keep society happy?
I guess we are all to blame in some point or another.
So there, even I come into this bracket.
So what have I done?
Well after thinking a bit, I realized what I too was ashamed off but didn’t have the courage to be ‘me’.
Yes folks – even the self proclaimed SEXnMONEYGOD and the Tattooed controversy has done something to please the world…
And that is….Suck my belly in so that it does not show to the world that I have a 6 month old baby preggy belly.
And yes, I have been ashamed about it.
Because it reminded me that my personality didn’t look that attractive enough because I got a tubby belly.
So as I sat there with my bum all washed clean after having a small excretion of reality, I decided, man…its time I do something about it.
Yes its true, I would like to look nice – but here, let me make it clear – not for society or for anyone else – but for myself.
If someone can accept me for me – great. If not, I will pay the price for it until I break – may be then I may become a follower and not a leader anymore – a leader of my life.
So as I display my honest photograph of my big fat tubby belly, I want you to know this…..
We are all fake in our little ways and we have 10001 justifiable excuses to make us feel good about the wrong we are doing. I don’t care about your life and your excuses. I have to focus on mine.
So given that today is Tuesday, November 09, 2010 at 3:30pm where instead of doing office work I am writing my blog – I will tell you this.
I am proud of who I am – the guy with all those imperfections, who sleeps around, who is a college drop out and who has zero savings in the bank. That is me.
And I give a rats ass to what you think .
But know this.
That does not mean I am happy wallowing in this level of mediocrity because I will always push myself to get better and better, until I know I am the best of what I can be.
So the next time you laugh and fart at the same time and soil your undergarments reading about someone’s nose being longer than it should be – remember this, we all have something longer than what it should be. Just make sure you are not ashamed about it for what others think about it rather be passionate about changing it only because of what you have the fire to be better than it.

1 comment:

  1. It's weird to me that there are no comments here.

    I have always wanted to change a lot of things about myself, and just recently I was like you know, fuck this! Why do I need to have red hair, or wear make-up or like the "scary movie" movies.

    I like comics, Atari 5200, drawing and organic shit. Pretty standard by todays views but growing up a girl who played Pokemon on the gameboy, or wanted to play cards with the boys at recess.. It was tough! It was hard being a girl in those days (lol?! I'm 23!)

    But now I am me, and I say what I think and take no prisoners! We all have to learn our life lessons =)


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Loy Machedo Award-Winning Speaker & Trainer Cell +971-50-631-85-19 Facebook - Loy Anthony Machedo Linkedin - http://ae.linkedin.com/pub/loy-machedo/25/863/92 Chat - loymachedo@yahoo.com | loymachedo@hotmail.com Email - theinvisiblestring@yahoo.co.in Blog - http://machedomax.blogspot.com Twitter –http://twitter.com/loymachedo Website - www.loymachedo.com Facebook Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=563183159#!/pages/Loy-Machedo/154673514564472

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