Friday, November 5, 2010

The symptoms of a disease called ‘falling in love’

The symptoms of a disease called ‘falling in love’
When you are in love
It’s a gooey feeling
You think of the person 24/7
You fantasies about the person
You lust for that person
You want to just ‘get at it’ immediately as you see the person
You cant take your eyes of that person
You cant take your paws off that person
You get jealous when that person is even looking at someone else
You get even more protective if someone else is looking at your person
You have to call that person all the time
You have to text that person all the time
You want to sacrifice so much for that person
You want to do so many things for that person
Talking to that person is not enough
You have to physically be with that person
You cry when that person is not around
You weep when that person ignores you
You hurt when that person does not talk to you
You are ready to do anything and everything to please that person
Just because its gives you a sense of joy and happiness to know
You can satisfy this person
But more so ever this belong only to you
And no one else.
Let me tell you now
If you have these symptoms
Guess what
You are going to get
Not just hurt
But destroyed
And destroyed so badly
It will hurt you for a very long time to come.
Why do I say so?
Well experience.
Let me elaborate.
I was in love with this girl Anita D’Souza.
I was 31
She was 18
I was ugly
(still am)
She was absolutely beautiful –
(only physically I must add, now that I am cure of this emotional disturbance.)
And when I say in love
It was an absolute obsession
I was like mad about her
Mad about her to the point
We would go at it 24/7
We would make videos of our so called ‘adventures’
We would get creative in every way possible
We would cut ourselves, drink each others blood, make big promises
I mean, you challenge us to push each other to the limits
We were totally ready.
We just couldn’t get enough of each other
Day and Night stood still for us
It was so crazy that if she wanted a chocolate crepe
Which was only available in Dubai Cinestar Cinemas
I would drive down form Sharjah – where I stay
Go all the way to Dubai – which is around 15 km aways
Pick it up
Drive down all the way to her house in Umm Al Quwain
Which was around 45 kms away
Deliver it to her house
And then come back to my place
And I wouldn’t mind doing this everyday
I found it ‘normal’
My phone bills – cell to cell
Came close to nearly 500 US Dollars ‘extra’ per month
My petrol bill came up to another 500 US Dollars ‘extra’ per month
But I didn’t mind all this.
It was part of my journey of ‘love’ with her.
And spending money over her – Don’t ask.
I had a Gold Card.
Now lets fast forward to now
Without getting into the hidden facts of the equation
That I cheated on her
And then she cheated on me
And though I had this stupid notion that she was okay with me sleeping around
And though she had this stupid notion that she was okay with me sleeping around
We were both wrong.
And soon because of the distance, she found out that
Having a rich boy, with a great career, loaded with money and a promising future
Especially if he was young and well connected
Was her passport to pleasure in bed as well as pleasure ahead
Well, I was a mistake in limited choices.
So she did the smart thing
She preferred sucking on the new hot dog than the old one
And so after shamelessly begging, pleading, crying, hoping and praying
Her answer was still no
And once I understood that
The hard part now started.
To make a really long boring story short
It took me 2 years to get out of this hangover from an intoxicating drug called ‘love’
And boy was it seriously bad.
It was horrible.
When I look back at it
I can seriously tell you
This ‘love’ concept is all in the f**king head
I mean its just a self created illusion.
And its not worth your time or money or effort.
When I think about it now
I personally feel she was only good for sex
Nothing else
She was like a one of those pleasure inducing toys
Which was meant to use and throw
Simply because she was in it for benefits
And she used it as long as she could get the maximum
And when she found a better model that gave her better benefits
In came the next candidate
And then the best part is
The justifiable excuses women give to make them feel right over why they do wrong.
- Which is so f**king pathetic.
As I look at it now
I am happy I am single
I get to choose a different dish to eat everyday
Try out new spices
Try out new cuisines
Try out new options
Without the boring litany of an emotional delusion called ‘love’
I wish that 18 year old slut who took me for a ride
A slow decaying death of suffering and pain
Simply because she was born diabetic
And her values are screwed up
I know it for a fact she is going to have a really painful life
And a very slow death
Well….as I smile just know this…a smart director does not reveal everything in a single movie….
And as for me…
Well bitch…
I am still single
And I am having the time of my life….
Just let your hubby know
You were a second hand product
That I enjoyed
And in case you have the spiritual conscience ringing inside your head
Getting shocked at my evil intentions
And bad curses
Let me ask you politely…
You think I seriously give a flying f*** to what you think
Go **** yourself cause I don’t
Its my life
My thoughts
And my choice
Just as you are not following anyone rule to live your life
I don’t need to justify my life to you
And if in case you do follow someone elses life
I am not a b***h like you
So please
My life
My rules
You can follow the teaching of Mr. Gandhi
I ain’t no mother Teresa
Neither am I turning the other cheek
And yeah,
If your partner ever dumps your sorry arse
Or cheats on you
Or leaves you to die in hell
Please be the one to kiss them
And wish them well
And yes, pray for their happiness
My name is Machedo
Not Mandela
And this aint a Hindi movie
where everything ends well.
This is reality
Kick ass
Or kiss ass.
So coming back to my great thoughts….
As I was saying…
I know you must be saying…
So much for ‘love’
That is what I am telling you.
This is all nothing but…
The symptoms of a disease called ‘falling in love’

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