Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The greatest question ever asked.

The greatest question ever asked.

Who am I?

I have read this question many a times.

Sometimes I have been tempted to ask this question to myself.

While the other times I have realized, there is no answer to this question – so why bother ask?

I mean is there any answer to this question?

If there is, could it be possibly the plain stupid answers like:

  • Your name?
  • Nationality?
  • Father’s name?
  • Name of your tribe?
  • Some cool identity that you give yourself?
  • Some secret identity you have?
  • Something you assume you are?
  • Some nick name your father gave you?
  • Or most lame of all the religion you belong to?

I mean even if you find the answer to this question, who the bloody hell cares?

And what is the purpose behind it?

Are you going to see any difference to your life?

Would you meet God and shake hands with him?

Would it make you a better person?

I mean why the hell should we ask ourselves this question?

Is not worth our time, effort and thought process.

So what is the most important question in this world?

Could it be something related to God?

  • Or which God is real?
  • Or which religion will survive in the end?
  • Would we go to heaven or hell?

Or something stupid like

  • Which came first – Chicken or egg?
  • Why do the westerners wipe their bottoms with tissue paper and Asians with water?
  • What if men became pregnant?

OR something thought provoking like

  • Should sex changes be allowed?
  • Can children enjoy free sex?
  • Is it okay to marry an animal?
  • Why are we fooling ourselves?

People – wake up.

This is not the most important question in the world.

The most important question in the world is the most hardest to answer, yet the most simplest.

It is what I found out after 7 years of trying to find the most important question in the world.

And I ask you this question today.

Are you happy?

Are you truly happy?

Are you really, truly and absolutely happy with your life.

If you can say yes, you have lived every moment meaningfully.

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Loy Machedo Award-Winning Speaker & Trainer Cell +971-50-631-85-19 Facebook - Loy Anthony Machedo Linkedin - http://ae.linkedin.com/pub/loy-machedo/25/863/92 Chat - loymachedo@yahoo.com | loymachedo@hotmail.com Email - theinvisiblestring@yahoo.co.in Blog - http://machedomax.blogspot.com Twitter –http://twitter.com/loymachedo Website - www.loymachedo.com Facebook Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=563183159#!/pages/Loy-Machedo/154673514564472

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