Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Topic Selection while giving speeches.

One can speak on just about anything provided the speaker achieves his project objectives. True, there are millions of topics one can speak on but the question comes down to what do you choose to speak on and how much effort and research you are willing to put into it.

The 6 Steps of Topic Selection

What I normally do is this.

1) Find out what your purpose of speaking.

If I am asked to give a motivational speech and I give them a depressing speech, it would make no sense.

2) Who is my audience.

Are they kids? Grown up? Asians? Americans? Body builders? Priests? Based on this I research stories appropriate for them.

3) Topic Selection versus Personality

A priest giving advice on how to live a happy married life is as silly as being a teenager and giving advice on how to have a successful career. Make sure the topic suits your personality.

4) Innovative & Different.

Smoking, Driving dangerously, Secrets of success, Abraham Lincolns life story on how many times he failed, Edison and the light blub, Colonel Sanders and the KFC story are all over-used stories. Avoid them. Think of may be the same message but say it differently

5) Day-to-day events.

Everyday in our lives we have millions of incidents. The traffic jam, the escalating rents, parties, promotions, marriages….all these events have a story behind them. If you are observant enough, you will find something of value in each of these episodes. You being a unique person have many unique experiences. Tell us about them.

6) Have a message & believe in it

Every story MUST have a message. It need not be about life and death or really serious. Rather it can be something worth sharing with others. If you look around, in everything you will find something to share. But share it ONLY if you believe in the message.

Use these points and I can assure you, you will come out with a decent topic.

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Loy Machedo Award-Winning Speaker & Trainer Cell +971-50-631-85-19 Facebook - Loy Anthony Machedo Linkedin - http://ae.linkedin.com/pub/loy-machedo/25/863/92 Chat - loymachedo@yahoo.com | loymachedo@hotmail.com Email - theinvisiblestring@yahoo.co.in Blog - http://machedomax.blogspot.com Twitter –http://twitter.com/loymachedo Website - www.loymachedo.com Facebook Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=563183159#!/pages/Loy-Machedo/154673514564472

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