Monday, December 28, 2009

Appreciation for the 204th Toastmasters Meeting which I conducted.

Forty Five Good things about your meeting

1. You reached the venue well in advance
2. By the time I reached everything was set
3. You are dressed to received the first guest
4. You welcomed everyone warmly, usual teasing and keeping it light.
5. People got real comfortable. Even Ghandiji stepped in.
6. Your efforts put in planning and execution is commendable.
7. You managed to excite and motivate others to do things.
8. You made sure everyone went home with something.
9. You tried your best to give everyone a chance.
10. You made everyone laugh.
11. Children went home happy and contented.
12. You managed to get sponsors and made this usual meeting extraordinary.
13. Damn! You have guts to do what you want.
14. F@#king !! I started rationalizing. Whatever you do is ok.
15. You gave you mom and dad due respect what they deserved.
16. Must have read Dale Carnegie’s “How to win friends” several times.
17. You made everyone feel important
18. When you introduced someone, you kept it short and brought out the best of the quality.
19. You have done a lot of research.
20. The gifts and vouchers were adequately priced.
21. You kept the audience interested.
22. There were no blank moments.
23. Even though you were dark, you smile was visible.(you brush you teeth everyday)
24. Sponsors were given due respect.
25. You gave chance to two aspiring kids.
26. The contests were really creative.
27. The topics were mild and people didn’t have to ponder “what does it mean”.
28. The topics triggered and tickled the humor nerve in everyone. (Everyone was humorous on stage).
29. The snacks, especially samoosas were good. I ate 4 of them.
30. You have the talent to play with words (double entendres )
31. You will be remembered. (Dark and Horny).
32. You say you are unique and you show it in everything you do.
33. I laughed so much that day.
34. Got to learn so much.
35. That message that you gave was well taken( was applauded )
36. The contests were well chosen for the debate.
37. The mu ma session was the funniest.
38. You called all the contestants to confirm I suppose.
39. You gave chances to other club members and guests too.
40. You recognized people with good causes like Lalitha, Rowena.
41. The chief guest was given due respect and recognition.
42. The prize for the best dressed man and woman was well deserved and motivated others to dress well henceforth.
43. You stressed the importance of coming in early by adequately rewarding the early comers.
44. Pam enjoyed the whole session.
45.You conducted the meeting as if it was your last. You put in 101%.

Now things that could have been handled in a better way

1. Calling the last debate heavy weight might have made others a little discredited.
2. You repeated that 3 piece suit joke every several times
3. Muma session was too long.
4. You wasted time on asking the audience who to be called next.
5. The last part of the show was dragging.
6. Should have briefed about contestants through mails or on telephone
7. And I didn’t get any gift.
8. You made Chandrasekhar call his wife old.

All in all , I thoroughly enjoyed the whole show.

Note: These are purely based my limited understanding and knowledge.



Good one Kev.

To make it fifty.

46. The show was fabulous
47. It was extraordinary
48. Very Creative
49. Beautiful trophies
50. Ravoof was there!

CEO - Gold Crab Web Service.

Dear Loy

The meting was one of the best I have ever seen. I came late unfortunately.
You did a fantabulous job. In fact I dare anyone to pull that one off!
Well done.

I agree with a few points of yours like a tally counter, more networking time (in these
type of big events you get a lot of people from many clubs and is an excellent networking
time), speakers should have been informed earlier, since this is a big event and it
would have been more exciting.

The MOO MA contest was one-of-a-kind event and excellent!

Debates were fine in terms of number. The only thing I was against in the
debate was the way it was done. You had given 2 + 2 + 1 for each debater.
We could have saved time and had much more excitement if there was no
pause between each speaker for marking scores. It should have been a continuous
debate with scoring done at the end. I felt the debaters lost the flow every time
there was a pause. The fight would have been bitter and better! I know you would
argue saying it was necessary for the judges etc, but they could score at the end.

Another thing that was a bother was the huge pillar, right in the centre blocking
the stage view. We could have found a better venue for just this meeting.

I loved your outfit and I guess so did many others, but I am not sure if everyone
liked to see you that way. Even though we are a tolerant club, we should not take
the freedom given to us for granted. We have the friendliest and sweetest people in
the UAE and they would not say anything that would upset others. I am one that
is not against wearing something like this, but everyone is not me!

Speakers should be told against speaking on sensitive subjects like politics, even
though this was as you said, a different event. Some speakers spoke of Kashmir
and Israel which are very sensitive topics. We are not in our country. We have a
mixed culture here and our views may not be what they want to hear. There was
utter silence when Israel was said. Remember we also had a local Emirati. Although
nothing wrong was said, it is better we don't say anything at all. People can misunderstand.

I think we should totally avoid the three taboos in all the meetings.

In all, I loved the event. I mentioned the above since you asked!

Thank you for recognising me on stage. Really appreciate what you did.

Great show! As Mathew would have said - FUNDASTIK SHOW!

CEO - Gold Crab Web Service.


Hi Loy / Sailesh,

You guys are magnificent. What a meeting that was! I am just envious that we don't have innovative guys like you in our Area / club. Loy, you have a wonderful mom and such a handsome sweet dad! Feel jealous of you for that too!

Sorry I had to leave early as my journey back to Abu Dhabi starts at 4 AM the next day. Only one grievance! I came all the way from Abu Dhabi just for the meeting! I would have been more happy with some role, at least that of a Tally counter's!
just kidding

Look forward to more of such excitement soon!

Best regards

Gino Zac George ACB, ALB

Excellence is not for someone else to notice but for your own satisfaction and efficiency............ ....

+971 50 6008308

Area 57 Governor (2009-10)

Div J, Dist 79

Toastmasters International

www.toastmasters. org

www.district79. org


Mad Max:

My 50 fils worth:

Your devilish appearance is unreplicable
Energy flowed throughout, not a dull moment anytime
Lots of gifts were distributed, will surely make it memorable for those who got one
Sponsors will feel encouraged to contribute next time
Lagoon raised the bar for creative meetings, wide participation from other clubs
Lots of value for those who came, favorable impression on guests
You highlighted debating / impromptu talent for future use

Best, Sailesh.
"Lagoon 2009 King of the Ring"


Dear Loy,

Hope these written words find you in good spirit.

Yesterday evening will remain in my memorry for ever.The spoken words are dead by now but I am sure I will get a copy o the video,thanks to the dedicated jems there to record the event.
Loy,thanks you very much for putting me in.It was an opportunity to sand balst the rust off which accumulated for the lat 3 yeras of my absenec from club/contests.

A fantastic event to add to the event list for the President and his team.

Best regards

Mukundakumar N V
Civil Construction Consultant



Everyone at Lagoon would be thankful to you for the innovative way in which the meeting was

conducted yesterday. You are the guiding light of Lagoon. Everyone looks at you for inspiration

like a young cricketer would look at Sachin Tendulkar.

People give stand out performances because you force them to do that in your own unique way.

I have never felt combined emotions of flattery and humbleness. But today you achieved that

with your message below.

Thanks for the support and keep it up.

Anand Joshi


Dear Loy,

You just incredible and original and yourself yesterday.

We enjoyed the programme and it was very professionally

Kudos to your entire team at Lagoons TMC.

Read a very powerful quote which aptly describes you:

"A person can succeed at almost anything for which they have unlimited enthusiasm."
-- Charles M. Schwab


TM Vijay Mudaliar
Kanoo Toastmasters Club


Dear Loy,

It was a very well conducted session. We enjoyed every moment of it. You put in so much of effort in making this special.

Thanks for bringing in variety - you chose very good topics. It was nice to see your parents as well.

And yes - thanks for the opportunity to speak - reading is nothing great compared to what the other categories of contests were about yesterday but the feeling of sharing stage with the other winners is a great boost.

Luckily Xavier made it for the session. He managed to keep in touch with the kids over phone and get them to bed. Thankfully, Xavier is very supportive. I am blessed - the kids were so excited this morning to see the trophy. We got home almost past twelve and then this morning again to get up at 4.00 a.m. was a real pain. Though it's all worth the time we spent at the meeting yesterday.

Thanks Loy - it isn't easy arranging an event - the time and effort involved is substantial.

We had a good crowd as well - it was a successful event.

Thanks once again,

Regards, Sunita

Sunita Freeda Pais
Operations Manager – Commercial Lines
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance (Middle East) Ltd.


The Dear Lagoons Team,

Kudos to the entire team at Lagoons TMC.

It was a great evening yesterday we enjoyed it and learned a lot
from senior toastmasters and talented participants.

It goes without saying "Mad Max" was incredible. Though I have met
Loy only once and heard a lot about him. I witnessed it yesterday.

Looking forwad to attending many more resourceful and enriching
meetings in future.


TM Vijay Mudaliar
Kanoo Toastmasters Club,
Bur Dubai


Good Morning Sailesh........... I know it is safe to wish you goodmorning as you must be already awake and on the job...even planning your next conquest perhaps .though DTM Balaji may beg to differ.

Marina and me were thrilled to be part of the scintillating action yesterday at Lagoons. Glad , we could bring our colors!!
You dreamed BIG. you planned BiGGER.. and BRAGGED the BIGGEST.. and Boy was the money on the action??

Our congratulations to all the participants and winners....for their Outstanding Performance. We particularly enjoyed the debates..... and the lessons learnt..
1) never .. ever mess with a woman
2) you can never speak enough about the written word... am being diplomatic here!!
3) who said toastmasters cannot embellsih their speech with "F" words !

Last but not the least.. even the D-E-V-I-L gets his dues !! as all the Table Topic speakers were only too happy to prove !! (Congratulations to Loy on his BODY of Work amd painting all of us in good light)

Lagoonites.... You Rock and make us take notice !! Keep up the good work !!

Thank you for an unforgetable evening ..........

Warmest Regards
Juliana Rego
Kanoo Toastmasters - Dubai


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