Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Untold Story of Loy's Ability to Talk - Part 6

The book.
The book he gave me
That book....
was unlike most of the books I had read.
It was not like the usual ones I would normally read
It was different
No pictures
But yet,
There was something about this book.
It was titled
‘Think and grow rich with peace of mind by Napoleon Hill’
My first non-fiction book

I began reading it
In fact
It took me some time to read this book
After I read this book
I was hooked
I felt different.
Felt….strange as I could call it…
Or rather….powerful.

And as soon as I finished this book
I called up that uncle for another book
When he came in the next time
He took back his first book
And in exchange gave me another
This time it was titled
Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill
I repeated the same process.

This went on and on
Soon as time passed
I finished all the books by Napoleon Hill that he had.

But as in all kinds of relationships
This relationship with my uncle
Also vanished in time
But what stayed on
Was this new found addiction to books
Non Fiction Books.

And this was the time I started to get rewarded with pocket money.

So I could purchase books

So after completing the entire collection of Napoleon Hill
I moved on to the next recommended collection
Dale Careneige
Those I began to purchase
(later on I purchased Napolen Hills Books also)

I read those titles
Everything from
How to win friends and influence people
How to stop worrying and start living.

After that got over with
I began reading Robert Schuller

Once that got over with
Came the entire collection of Anthony Robbins
Then Dr. Wayne Dryer
Then came the Chicken Soup for the Soul…

And as I kept reading each book
My knowledge improved
But then something even more strange happened

The want and the desire to speak also magically increased

But here was a problem
Though I wanted to speak
Yet there was no outlet for speaking
Because….I lived a different life
With no friends…
And most of the time I was alone
And even worse
I loved my solitude.

In my entire life
There was only one competition held in my school on public speaking
And I had entered it only because it was about public speaking
And since it was my first experience
I went confident into the speech
Only to forget the speech after the 3rd minute.
And by far…
The ONLY speech I had forgotten in my life.

Then with all that bottled up desire
And the passion to speak
I entered College life
St. Aloysius College Mangalore, India.

Over here after the first feel of absolute freedom
Being away from home and from parents
Which was the most amazing moment I had ever experienced to date
The first thing that stuck me after that sense of being liberated from home
Was the sense of doing whatsoever I pleased.

After a few days of getting used to the place
I joined a library.
Once that got over with
I went around
Sniffing like a dog searching for a bone
I sought any avenue that gave room for public speaking.

And that was where
I found out there was a Co-Curricular Department
Which focused on….get a load of this…
Public Speaking.

And what’s more I realized was that
They didn’t just have one competition per year.
They had a competition almost every week!
And to add to the excitement
It seems they had no one in the college who was interested!
I was like WOW, this is heaven.

Soon I was the ONLY student who would go there
Every day and every night
With only one intention in mind
And that was to compete
To take part in another contest
Or to win another contest

I just wanted to take part and do whatever I could to win.
One part of this bargain was that
There was no one to guide me
The other part of the bargain was that
I didn’t know what it took to win.
So with my immature mind in the spirit of competition
I did whatever I thought I knew best.
Wrote flowery words
Recorded each and every work on an old shady tape recorder
and hear out every word
Practice each and every sentence to the point my mouth became numb
And yes, the most important bit
Conduct enough research until I felt I didn’t have anything else to look into.

These turned out to be the fundamental basics to my speaking ability.

I won a few
I lost a few
But I left a mark.

Soon because of this crazy ambition of mine
To only take part in competitions
Lead me down the disastrous road to failure as a student
I hated studies and couldn’t’ stand them one single bit
And I guess the feeling was mutual where it concerned my teachers.

And in going down this path of speaking
I got introduced into the world of being an EMCEE
Accidentally one day as I went to see an event.
And that road lead me to something even more new….

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Loy Machedo Award-Winning Speaker & Trainer Cell +971-50-631-85-19 Facebook - Loy Anthony Machedo Linkedin - http://ae.linkedin.com/pub/loy-machedo/25/863/92 Chat - loymachedo@yahoo.com | loymachedo@hotmail.com Email - theinvisiblestring@yahoo.co.in Blog - http://machedomax.blogspot.com Twitter –http://twitter.com/loymachedo Website - www.loymachedo.com Facebook Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=563183159#!/pages/Loy-Machedo/154673514564472

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