Monday, December 27, 2010

The power of SEX & communication in the real world.

The power of SEX & the power of communication in the real world.

Loy's Back
Loy's Back

Sex sells.
In fact the most number of upcoming websites in the world are related to what?
The most searched word online is what?
The maximum number of crimes in the world are related to what?
To go one step further, the most profitable business in the world is also related to what?
Forget all that.
And for the next few minutes, just keep an open mind and see where you can find something that I have written wrong so that you can crucify me.
So coming back to sex – It is a powerful word.
Yes, it is.
And don’t worry, stating this does not make you a bad person.
I mean you don’t have to think ‘dirty’ thoughts about it.
I am not asking you to. And I never even said anything bad or vulgar.
I am just stating a ‘word’ and I have just stated a few ‘facts’.
And if you look at sex as a natural gift from God who made it part of procreation, well I am sure you will feel better about it.
Don’t you now?
Now look closely..
Fortunately or unfortunately, this is one of the major taboo topics in Toastmasters.
Really sad.
Not only sex.
But also some of our favorite topics.
Sex, religion and politics.
Because we want to be a ‘good’ organization.
A nice organization.
An organization that does not hurt anyone’s feelings.
Which is admirable.
And I believe it is the right thing.
But then I ask you, Is this how the real world works?
Is it viable to do whatever you do in Toastmasters to do in real life?
Let me give you a few examples to state my case.
Case Number 1
You have most of the ‘winning’ speeches of our Toastmasters related to death, dying, emotional hogwash, over-acting, fake sadness and absolutely stupid immature despicable nonsense – which all of us know in real life you cannot possibly do it in front of any mature audience. Forget a mature audience, you cannot even deliver such a speech to a ordinary crowd of children. But hell yeah! It works in Toastmasters!
Case Number 2
You have so many ‘senior’ Toastmasters with the super big shiny DTM badge being flashed in front of everyone (DTM by the way is the highest qualification you can get in Toastmasters). Ask them to deliver a decent speech. And what do you get? Sounds like someone flushed a low life down the toilet.
Case Number 3
Most of our so called leaders – Area Governors, Division Governors and District Governors – Are they truly competent ‘leaders’? or are we fooling ourselves?
Now I may look like a fox who is shouting ‘sour grapes’ but we need to face reality.
T.S. Eliot said it so beautifully ‘Human kind cannot bear very much reality’ and may be that is why you will not be able to bear what I say. But my friend this is the truth.
So we have to admit certain facts.
Fact Number 1
Toastmasters is a non-profit organization and it is also a non hardcore ‘professional’ organization.
Now before you jump the gun and decide to forward this article to the far reaches of Toastmasters and complain about me and get me banned from Toastmasters (which I am sure you would love to do that), let me explain myself.
We join Toastmasters to learn and grow.
Most of us are novices at speaking.
And yes, though there are a few of us who are somewhat successful as leaders, we like to exercise our leadership skills to a new higher level. And that is why we also join Toastmasters.
But then my question is this.
Looking at most of the speakers in your club – can you say without a doubt, that they will be people willing to pay money to listen to our Toastmasters speak?
And if yes, how much would they pay to listen to them speak?
USD 1,000?
Too much?
USD 500?
Still too much?
USD 100?
Not even that much?
(Answer – Most of us would pay the our breed of Toastmasters to shut up)
And as a leader, how many of you would like to have one of the excom members as say – your boss or CEO of your company?
No one?
Now as a defensive answer, I am sure you will say the following:
1) I have not joined Toastmasters to become a paid speaker or a professional speaker
2) I am in Toastmasters to learn and enjoy – not take it so seriously
3) Toastmasters is not my life but a part of my life.
I have heard them before and I am sure you have too.
And that is exactly why I am telling you this – Toastmasters is different from the real world. And if you have to survive in the real world, there are a few things you must do differently.
In Toastmasters we have a system that is kind, compassionate and encouraging. Some times it border lines to being like a mother taking care of her new born baby.So much so, it sometimes proves to be a breeding ground for weeds and viruses for lazy people that spread the disease of mediocrity to everyone else.
Don’t get me wrong, Toastmasters is an amazing system. It is a platform I love and a process I am very proud to be part of.
But it is different when you have many kinds of ‘people’ in it.
So let us move ahead considering two aspects and having a close of this long essay.
What is communication in the real world outside toastmasters
What is leadership in the real world outside toastmasters.
And do know this – these are my views. Period. They do not reflect the views of anyone else – especially toastmasters.
Communication in the real world.
In the real world, you cannot afford to have all this drama, this nonsense and this petty talk. In fact most of our speakers and their speeches would be canned and thrown outside in a rotting dustbin in a galaxy far far away in the reach of planet Naboo where Luke Skywalker was born. (If you didn’t understand this bit, you are not a Star Wars fan)
You need to follow the strategy that I believe will make you successful in the real world.
Lets call it the
Loy Machedo’s 6.6 points of wisdom for communication in the real world (I know long boring heading by hey, this is my article! So go take a hike if you don’t like it!!!)-
1) Get to the point. The fast the better
2) Say what has to be said but keeping in the mind the person who is listening gets the benefit
3) Ensure if you take 5 minutes of that persons time, the value he received was the benefit of a 50 minute speech
4) Be sure that what you speak he would find it very difficult to research, edit and present by himself.
5) Be so good that your listener would be ready to pay you to listen to you
6) Bring in something that has the Machedo’s 6 H
1. Head – Logic,
2. Heart – Emotion,
3. Heavy – Worthwhile message,
4. Humor – Stuff to make you smile at least,
5. Hands & Feet – Involves your whole body
6. Holy Spirit – Your inner being & attitude
Having put it, let’s move on to the next bit
Loy Machedo’s 5.2 points of wisdom for leadership in the real world (I know long boring heading and read the above bold line if you have any problems in life)-
1) If you are a leader, get ready to sacrifice yes, but at the same time get ready to fire someone’s rear end if they don’t perform (You know exactly why I used the word ‘rear end’)
2) Diplomacy is the key but ensure you are not scared to speak your mind and heart out. Most of the so called leaders are too soft and too diplomatic that is breeds sickness
3) Set big goals and achieve bigger goals – not vice versa.
4) You don’t have to be all ‘goody-goody’ to achieve great results.
5) For God’s sake, break away from the norm and think outside the box
a. Ensure you either have donkey’s who does whatever you want – then you have to be a great leader
b. If you have guys smarter than you, don’t be scared to let them give their ideas and implement them.
This my friend is what I believe is the stuff in the real world.
But then again, I could be wrong.
But then again, I could be right.
When standing with a group of guys, holding a few glasses of alcohol and talking, I don’t think I would show them body language or display vocal variety and even worse, give them a false white wash evaluation.
Just remember this in a nutshell.
The real world is slightly different from the world of Toastmasters.
Toastmasters is a beautiful and amazing environment where you can learn and grow. But here again, there is a limit.
If you want to succeed in communication and leadership in the real world, you need to get out of your comfort zone – something toastmasters offers in plenty.
And most important of all, one needs to remove the blinders that cover their eyes, the brains and their common sense and think outside the box.
The real world is a very tough, cut-throat and challenging environment where if you want to be the best, you have to be the best.
True, some of you can take another view and view the world through the lens of love and compassion and believe in the virtues of goodness and kindness. No issue.
Your views.
Your opinion.
I am no one to contradict it.
But just remember this.
I don’t care what you think.
And most probably you don’t care what I think.
What matters in the end, is what you do in the real world.
So the next time you see the word ‘sex’, just remember this.
It is indeed a powerful word.
I managed to get you to read all this because I used it in the beginning.
That my friend, is the power of sex.
As Vice President (PR) of my club i need to bring club Magazine... i dont have to tell you this.
I need an article from you on effect usage of Public Speaking beyond Toast Masters.. it should be about 2 pages..
Request you to share your profile and photograph.. Kindly highlight.. your accouterments as Toastmaster..

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