Monday, December 27, 2010

What is the horrifying truth behind this calm Doctor’s face? Part 2 of the shocking tale.

Dr. Tushar Rohankar
Sounds more like a killer.
The first name sounds more like …. A DJ’s name.
And the surname…..ooooo…scray.
I came to know of this man through my infamous evil half – Jaysun Dalmeida thanks to Mark Zukerburg of Face Book.
The guy looked short, neardy and had a typical doctor look to him.
Nothing impressive actually.
But the only thing that impress me at first that formed the foundation about this guy was what I saw on Facebook about him – A photograph of him hugging his son in one of the most passionate and caring hugs I could ever describe.

Tushar with his son
Tushar with his son

I realized the guy – though dumb must be a nice chap.
So I got all ready and mentally prepared to meet this gentlemen the day I decided to check a nagging pain in my knee.
Driving down nearly 75kms to meet this guy, I was mentally prepared of how our meeting would go.
I would meet this shorty, impress him with my speaking skills and my knowledge of the human body and then take a few recommendations from him – after educating him on the wisdom that I possessed in the field of medicine.
I reached the hospital.
And then this guy walked in.
And I was in for shock.
This ‘short’ guy turned out to be a 6 footer plus.
Really tall.

Loy & Dr. Tushar
Loy & Dr. Tushar

And then he not only made me look like a mouse, his intellect, his kindness and his brilliance as a doctor made me become a mouse in his care.
I mean the way he held my leg, twisted it gently only to hear some strange clicks I never thought existed and the manner in which he was able to press those specific spots on my body, I was zapped. Really zapped.
The confidence and calmness he conveyed as a doctor and the humility he had as a person threw me off guard.
The end result – I experienced world class service from a person I hardly knew.
So now the question arises, did I write this article just to kiss his ass because he gave me good service?
May be he would give me a free check up because I am buttering him up?
Or may be check my other knee for free?
Though I would love to hope for the free service and I know he would help me for free, this is not the reason I am writing this article about him.
It is because of the conversation we had on Monday, 26th December 2010.
I had gone to meet him with regards to having a complete blood test check up done – primarily because it was the year end and also because I was more conscious of the fact I was moving deeper into the 30’s zone as a middle aged guy.
And this was the blood test where I had to keep my body starving for the whole 14 hours.
After the check up, we decided to move towards a nice dinner as I was dead starving.
Not easy for a fat chubby guy like me to stay hungry.

Dr. Loy checking Dr. Tushar
Dr. Loy checking Dr. Tushar

As we hunted for a nice place for me to eat, he shared with me his philosophy and beliefs.
The sacrifices he had made to reach where he was today.
And yes, the shocking stories of the lives he had to save and in some cases, the really horrifying stories of choices he had to make.
What were they all about?
What were the sacrifices he made?
What shocking bits that prompted me to write this article?
Let that be a suspense.
I don’t want to disrespect the priceless portions of his life by publicizing to the world the sacredness of his sacrifice.
All I can state is this.
Tushar earned my respect.
The respect I would give any great human being.

Loy & Dr. Tushar Close up shot
Loy & Dr. Tushar Close up shot

From a seemingly short guy whom I anticipated to meet,
He not only turned out to be 6 feet plus tall.
In my eyes he became a giant.
A very very very tall giant.
So what makes this story shocking?
In a world that we live filled with so many selfish senseless snakes,
It baffles me to know that there are human beings like these
Who not only live and breathe the doctors code
Of senseless selfless sacrifice
But take those unimaginable unbelievable unthinkable decisions
That shape their lives
And the lives of their patients
Who trust their bodies
Under the knives of these surgeons
In their sleep.
To me, it was an honor to meet such a man.
And yes, indeed a shock to know
That such people exist in our midst.
I would end by only stating this.

Loy with Dr. Tushar Posing
Loy with Dr. Tushar Posing

Dr. Tushar Rohankar
His name sounds more like a killer.
The first name sounds more like a DJ and the surname…..ooooo…scray.
But beyond the name, you will be amazed as the person you will experience.
Dr. Tushar Rohankar is without a doubt one among the finest doctors, one of the most humble human beings and one of the most genuine friends I have had the honor to meet.

Dr.Tushar in Office
Dr.Tushar in Office

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